
Hits:995 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

As decoration in soap can be incorporated into tiny toys and Souvenirs. A lot of options! For example, to make soap on the theme of the tale of the Golden...

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Soapy tangle

Hits:968 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

You thought it a ball? Actually it is soap, "wrapped up" the strands of wool. Enough it is wet, and it will turn into unusual "camomiles" loofah. It is not...

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Decoupage on soap

Hits:1070 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

Beautiful paper napkins are a great material for making small Soaps with summer motifs.   Main ingredients:• 100 grams white soap base•1H. spoon of jojoba oil• 3...

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Talking heart

Hits:2433 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

With this soap, it is possible to tell your loved one about their feelings. For this you will need a special water-soluble paper. Unlike simple paper, it is well preserved...

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Hits:938 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

With the help of such simple and available to all molds, like plastic Cup, you can make a fancy soap in the "frame", the Gulf midway the basis of a...

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Orange slices

Hits:906 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

Another soap "citrus" theme. As the molds to manufacture it will fit different size plastic cups, aluminum cans or pieces of round pipes. The aroma of the soap will give...

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Berry town

Hits:880 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

Soap, in which the transparent elements are not arranged randomly but in specific locations, making the drawing can be done in several ways. Here is one of them. Main...

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Hits:958 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

Soap, which is a whirlwind mix two or more contrasting colors, looks very impressive. The secret of its manufacture is the temperature of the mixing bases different colors. If it...

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Hits:972 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

To make soap, like a piece of cheese, you need the right mold. It can be cast from the silicone compound, pre-sculpting the workpiece of the desired shape from clay...

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Cake with lemon slices

Hits:957 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

Continuing the "delicious" theme make a delicious piece of cake. Using a large round shape you can make with soap the size of a real cake and then cut it...

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Hits:969 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

Soap in the form of cake looks very appetizing. Besides it is absolutely safe for your figure! For the manufacture of such fancy Soaps choose fragrances that are associated with...

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Fruit pudding

Hits:889 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

What can be done with young Meltemi in the form of apples, orange slices and raspberries obtained with the ice? Offer to make them a delicious "pudding"! Main ingredients•...

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Hits:1025 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

If you found in the sale of chocolate moulds in the shape of flowers - congratulations! Before you open up new opportunities for creativity. You can create wonderful decorations for...

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With all my heart

Hits:892 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

Using forms ice on you at a time can make many beautiful miles. They are too small to use for its intended purpose, but it will be a perfect decoration...

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Hits:927 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

Make soap in the shape of a shell, a computer mouse or pine cones is very simple. It does not need to have the talent of the sculptor. All that...

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Hits:902 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

As you already know, soap can only be added well dried additives: flowers, grass, pulp of vegetables and fruits. Otherwise, the contained moisture will cause mold or rot.One early spring...

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Hits:976 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

This soap is made with addition of natural honey. As a decorative element used wax. This thin wax sheets with extruded on both sides of the bottoms and the rudiments...

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Thin fill

Hits:928 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

Some plastic molds for soap are beautiful but very small relief. Carefully fill it with hot basis is almost impossible. But that is no reason to abandon the idea to...

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Hits:890 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

With skill and imagination using the basics of several colors, we can produce not just soap, but a real beautiful little picture, the main thing is to find a suitable...

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Celtic heart

Hits:1119 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

Beautiful raised pattern on the surface of the soap may be of a different color. However, if you just pour in the layers will form the foundations of several colors...

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Hits:919 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

Metal cookie cutters will help to make layered soap. If you have a pet such molds, then cut out the desired item, you can use a small knife. Main...

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Times strip, two strip

Hits:1019 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

Soap composed of colored layers, looks very elegant. The number of layers depends on your patience, if you want you can make a two-layer soap with an interesting combination of...

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Colored curls

Hits:1077 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

Another variant of combining in one item white and transparent basis - this soap with colored curls. You can make curls from a white base, and the soap is transparent...

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Wild strawberries

Hits:915 Spectacular soap. Secret of mastery

Using for soap manufacture white and transparent framework, it is possible to obtain a very unexpected and impressive result. The easiest way to decorate soap white colored cubes made from...

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