Burning on birch bark

Hits:1072 Birch bark

This is an unconventional, new form of work, and probably not widely circulated, little known even among professionals. Pictures are so attractive that for a long time be remembered for...

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Applique made of birch bark

Hits:1055 Birch bark

Ornamental possibilities of birch bark will expand, if it is used as a material for applications as a by itself or in combination with other materials. Appliques decorate various wooden...

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Welt elm

Hits:1038 Birch bark

This is a common method of artistic processing of birch bark. This way you can decorate different things — boxes, boxes, albums, to decorate a wall, to make a bulk...

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Hits:995 Birch bark

Embossed on the bark — one of the types of original art. In the traditional processing of birch bark craftsmen have reached a high quality jewelry boxes, basket tooled, developed...

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Hits:1071 Birch bark

To cut off knots, cut off the desired portion of the workpiece, you will need a small hatchet and a hacksaw. Cut the bark, making incisions with a knife-jamb, similar...

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Preparation of the bark to work

Hits:995 Birch bark

The bark may persist for many years. During this time, it will naturally dry out, so it should be specially prepared. Thin smooth plate preparation does not require them immediately...

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Preparation of the material

Hits:999 Birch bark

The bark in folk crafts have long been popular and well studied the masters, so the material is harvested, is considered the most suitable for the manufacture, not from the...

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Bark in needlework

Hits:1056 Birch bark

Beresta (birch bark) — a beautiful ornamental material. It is durable, resistant to decay. Widely used in arts and crafts for the manufacture of boxes, baskets, berestok, as well as...

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