Gift egg Fish-toon

The workpiece in the form of balls with a diameter of 5.3 cm, beads white "Guetermann Seeds" of art. 773875 col 1006 — 26 pieces, beads yellow "Guetermann Seeds" of art. 773875 col. 1557 - 10 oz., beads red "Guetermann Seeds" of art. 773875 col. 4565 - 4 oz., beads dark green transparent "Guetermann Seeds" of art. 773875 col. 7875 - 6 oz., beads green "Guetermann glass pearl" art. 773883 col 8320.

Weave the belt according to the diagram in figure 94, showing its symmetrically and continuing yellow-green figure to the end. In this case, the belt consists of 33 rows. Put it on the billet.

Gift egg Fish-toon

With a pencil draw the workpiece over the belt and underneath the contour of the oval of the head fish and at weaving in a circle do not take over the green beads over the line of the oval.

Top fish braid in the following sequence: 4 rows — lemon beads, 7 green, 5 — lemon, 7 — green; and finish with lemon. The bottom duplicite in this order: 2 row: lemon beads, 7 green, 5 — lemon; and green finish. Sew to the sustainability of green beads.

Weave with a large fin. To do this, from the top of the head down to the tail appetite five beads, gaining three lemon and two beads, gaining three red. Next, complete the first one half of the fin according to the scheme in figure 95, then go back to the beginning of the weave and the second weave the second row the same mate. Sew both pieces along the perimeter. The tail of fishes consists of four identical parts. For weaving use the same beads on the belt, outlined with a double outline, just in the middle of the back fish.

Gift egg Fish-toon

Start to implement scheme tail in figure 96 with the fifth top outlined with beads. Making the bottom quarter of the tail, go back to the beginning of weaving and perform the top. Then again go back to the beginning and it is also close to consistently weave two quarters. Then sew them in pairs around the perimeter.

Gift egg Fish-toon

Small fins run the scheme in figure 97. Their location is indicated on the diagram of the belt crosses. The principle of netting of the mouth same as "Fish-Gzhel". Use beads, encircled by the double loop on the belt.

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