Hits:963 Methods of lowering the beads on the wire
Wire is a versatile material that allows you to create really unique jewelry. Even without the additional materials in the form of beads or beads. But in combination with them...
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This technique allows rapid production of leaves and petals for the large flowers: The technique of the parts is as follows: pre-string beads on wire (the more the better)...
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The technique of threading in a circle is as follows: type on the wire a small amount of the beads (5-7 pieces), twist the ends of the wire at the...
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Buttonhole technique can be used to make flower petals, stamens and leaves. Such details are quite easy: make a wire beaded loop of the required size. Then on one of...
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The parallel technique of weaving is suitable for manufacturing of any parts, the petals and leaves, wings and Telcel insects, animals... the Principle here is simple: take one end of...
Read moreHits:837 Methods of lowering the beads on the wire
Nizhnie to the wire most often used for making various Souvenirs from beads (plants, animals, men..). You will need: 1. Beads, glass beads, cutting and beads of various colors...
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