Knitted set (spectacle case and cosmetic bag)

The kit consists of the spectacle case and beauticians. They are connected by the hook (columns without nakida) of floss grey in 6 strands with plastic beads (diameter 3.5—4 mm).

Knitting with beads and beads were widespread in the last century. Unlike tabbed, sewn beads are embedded in the canvas.

Beads should be wide enough smooth holes. On the thread strung before knitting. Sometimes when stringing a large number of beads, the thread unwinds and rassohnetsya. In this case, you have to knit short strings (1-2 m). Crochet is used thick thread that cannot be threaded through a needle for stringing the beads, the Tip of the filaments can be dipped in a varnish or glue to become hard, But this procedure must be repeated after every 10-20 beads. For stringing a large number of beads, make a simple jig. Take a short (10-15 cm), thin thread, pass the needle and tie the ends. In a loop pull the end of the thick filament (figure 1). Stringing beads, slide them with a thin thread to thick.

Knitted set (spectacle case and cosmetic bag)


Figure 1

Much attention requires stringing colored beads for a picture. One extra or missing bead can distort the whole picture. What if an error in the set of beads discovered in the process of knitting? There are two ways out of this situation. If it is a little, dissolve the knitting and type of beads correctly. And if you feel sorry for the work done, then tear the thread in place of the error and correct it. Connect the ends of the yarn and knit on.

Columns with beads knit in the following way. Slide the bead to the knitting and provarite column: enter the hook in the loop of the previous row, pick up a hook the working thread behind the bead (figure 2) is on the hook two loops.

Knitted set (spectacle case and cosmetic bag)


Figure 2

Again, catch the thread and pull through both loops. Slide the next bead to the knitting and provarite next column, and so on. On the canvas of beads fall from the side facing away from the knitter, so the hook enter the loop from the wrong side of the product. The holes of the beads are arranged horizontally.

Spectacle case 175x80 mm
80 m Molyneux, 19 gold beads, thread beads — white 7 m, 0.8 m grey, button for clasp, Hook 2 mm.

String on a thread of 1.4 m white beads and slide them from the end of the thread. Tie a chain of 41 air loop and lock her in the ring. Tie spiral 1-2 rows of columns without nakida without beads. In the same row 40.5 column (41st column "runs" on the 1st). The starting chain and rows without beads need to knit very loose. Next, knit with beads (see figure 2),

The hook enter the loop from the inner side of the spectacle case. When strung the beads will end, with the free end of the filament type beads that are necessary for the completion of the last white row. Then according to the scheme type beads for several lower rows of the pattern (figure 3, cell means bead). In each row don't forget to add 21 white busine for the back side of the spectacle case. Continue knitting, picking up beads as you work forward

When you are finished knitting, sew the bottom. The entire bottom edge without beads tuck inside and sew carefully from the front side between beads of the same thread, one of which is related spectacle case. In the middle of the top edge of the spectacle case from the inner side sew button for closure.

Knitted set (spectacle case and cosmetic bag) Figure 3

Cosmetic bag 150x100 mm
85 m floss, 15 gold beads, thread beads — 7m white, 0.8 m gray, zipper 15 cm, Hook 2 mm.

String on a thread of 80 cm white beads and slide them from the end of the thread. Knit chain of air loops 68 and lock it in the ring. Tie spiral 1-2 rows of columns without nakida. In the same row of 67.5 bar (68th column "runs" on the 1st). The starting chain and rows without beads need to knit very loose. Next, knit with beads (see figure 1). The hook enter the loop from the inner side of cosmetics. When strung the beads will end, with the free end of the filament type beads to complete the last white row. Then according to the scheme type beads for several lower rows of the pattern (figure 4, cell means bead). In each row don't forget to add 35 white beads for the back side of cosmetics. Continue knitting, picking up beads as you work forward.

When you are finished knitting, sew the bottom. The entire bottom edge without beads tuck inside and sew carefully from the front side between beads of the same thread, one of which is related spectacle case. To the upper edges of the bags with the inner side sew the zipper

Knitted set (spectacle case and cosmetic bag)


Figure 4


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