Of course, summer time is already receding, but in many regions you will have many warm days. Just what we need in order to flaunt in the new necklace made with your own hands. Especially given the fact that for the manufacture of such a miracle will take no more than a night.
So, we will need nothing at all:
- Fabric that does not fray when cut and is soft enough in this case;
- A lot of different beads.
By the way, many beads are left abandoned after I broke a favorite necklace to collect it is not desirable, but they can become a completely new product. Especially good if you still have beads of about the same size and different colors. Here a flight of fancy is infinite, since you can combine any colors, shades and even textures. It all depends on how bold decisions you used to make when building the image.
In this case, the author uses black fabric and bright beads. Strict and familiar combination that can be diluted with bright colors on request.
In General, the progress is extremely simple. Take a small piece of prepared fabric and ruthlessly transform it into a few strips, the more the more luxuriant will be the necklace. And better if they are very thin, but not too much. And now to the cooked strips begin to string the beads in any order. You can create groups of 3 beads or leave a blank space between each of them.
More attractive the low pile will look great, if you alternate colors of beads, one low, and it is different. For example, a strip of beads of the same color, striped with beads of another, and so on. The length of the lines is also arbitrary.
And the finishing touch: join strips together edge. The principle of connection is also not important. You can use special clips to work with beads and beads, if you can find a suitable size, or hold them together with knots.