For fans of rockadelic, we offer this idea to decorate the cover, for mobile phones.
Decorate cover for iPhone
This is all done very easily and quickly. There is even no need to spend a lot of time on the selection of materials for the job. Beads, beads (all this in the tone of the cover, and thread and needle. It's all there in the house any Crafter. By the way, this case does not necessarily buy. If you knit or sew, it is quite possible to do it with their hands. Such a fringe will just add to the charm of the product and make it more noticeable and bright.
The principle of making fringe is also very simple. About the different ways we have already discussed in one of our articles.
And so, we take our ready-made cover, and fasten the thread on the lower part. Then strung her beads. As much as necessary to ensure that fringe was nice for you length. You can punctuate the beaded beads, so it will be even more interesting, especially if you use beads of different textures. The benefit of the store a lot and have room to roam.
Last string the final bead, in the form of droplets, another bead and return the needle and thread back into the same bead, bypassing the last bead. Only one condition – the bead should be larger than the hole in busine. Otherwise the whole structure will collapse.
Low should be tight, the beads must lie next to each other. Now gently start to push the needle and thread through the whole of the low, to the very beginning of the work. That's all one piece fringe ready. It remains to do the exact same around the bottom of the case.
That's it, your case is decorated with. This move can be used for decorating bags, and even the bottom edge of any clothes to give your style an element of uniqueness and originality. Everything looks quite normal, you can with your hands to turn into something more vivid and memorable, is only a little bit of effort.