- crystal beads 50 g
- amethyst beads 50 g
- beads, glass, white, crystal, small about 100 pieces.
- beads, white, faceted, crystal, round — 12-14 pieces
- the beads are glass, in the form of leaves, amethyst color — 80 PCs
- beads fancy shape amethyst color — about 16 PCs.
First weave the medallion Gerdan on the SC. 1. Its basis is the so-called large grid on five prongs. For each key bead vyplatit loop depending on the color key beads using beads of different shapes, as shown on CX. 4. Make pendants to madaleno (CX. 3). All five of them. In length they should not be shorter than the medallion. Now on the SC. 2 weave the two identical tape Gardena the desired length. Their is also a large mesh on two teeth. Connect the medallion with ribbons an arbitrary set of beads and beads. The connecting bar can be either two — the number of teeth of the ribbon or three if you add the connection between the teeth. The upper ends of the strips connect an arbitrary chain of the desired length. Please note that Gerdan better to weave without fasteners. Elena Vilchevskaya