Summer is long enough, but this does not prevent us to dream. And to add to your interior some bright colors that will help to dream, we suggest you do here is a garland of wooden beads.
To work you also need plenty of materials, namely:
- Glue gun;
- Cardboard;
- Circular templates (they should be this size, what you want to see the finished wreath);
- Newspaper;
- Masking tape;
- Beads;
- Twine and a large needle;
- Spray paint in two colors – baby blue and yellow
Here, in General, that's all. Now you can work.
Take our template, you can take the usual two Hoop sizes, and the largest wind around the twine three times. This thread should be enough for our idea.
Strung on the unwound segment of the string 15 beads and tie a knot to form a ring like this.
Further 88 strung beads (a lot, but what beauty demands victims). Actually, the beads may take more, depending on the size of the future wreath. Importantly, the upper part of the wreath was a multiple of 8 beads, the bottom must be a multiple of 7 (the lower we're going to do now). To check, do you have enough strung beads, just attach them to the template.
Formed the lower part of stringing for 7 beads for the bottom line, and sending a needle in bead 8 of the top row.
Apply our templates, just do enough.
And now drawn with the same template here is a wreath on a piece of cardboard.
Now wrapped with newspaper, the top row of beads, or the bottom – according to the desire to paint didn't mess up we don't need at the moment a number of.
Paint the part of the beads with the help of the newspaper in blue and yellow.
Take a cardboard wreath which we cut and wrapped it with twine. Try to keep the turns were tight and neat.
The case remained for small, take a glue gun and dried beads, and glue them to a wrapped carton.
That's all, you are the owner of a real summer wreath, whose gentle colors soothe and give hope for a quick return of heat.