Knitted items are most popular because with proper skill, you can create designer clothes and accessories. For example, the headband will not only help you to cope with makeup, but will also warm your ears in cold weather. Especially if you decorate this product beads. But knitting with beads - a business that requires certain skills.

Headband hair, or knitting needles with beads


So, to work we need a thread for dressing the spokes of the right size and the beads, holes which allow you to put it on the prepared thread.

Headband hair, or knitting needles with beads

Headband hair, or knitting needles with beads

It is worth to clarify that dwell on the knitting of the bandage, we will not, the main thing that interests us is the technique of Platania beads. So to learn the basics of knitting you will need, of course, in that case, if you haven't had sex yet.

So, take for the selected thread 50 beads. You can just use a needle for knitting, to facilitate his work. Send the beads out, and dial 88 loops. Begin to knit elastic band until its height reaches 5.5 cm.

Headband hair, or knitting needles with beads

Basic pattern knit 6.5 cm and gradually introduced to the work of the strung beads.


Don't forget that smart to work the bead should be from the front side of the canvas. Next loop promazyvaetsya as usual. That's all the wisdom of knitting with beads.

Headband hair, or knitting needles with beads

Introduce them gradually, from the moment we begin to start implementing the basic pattern of the dressing.

Headband hair, or knitting needles with beads

As a result, we obtained the billet, where the elastic band looks tight, but the basic pattern seems to be longer. This is to ensure that the bandage is sitting firmly on the head and didn't try to escape.

Headband hair, or knitting needles with beads

First fold the bandage in half lengthwise and sew the edges.

Headband hair, or knitting needles with beads

And the final touch, the resulting strip put across the same stitch to make a circle. Now knit headband with beaded finish. So that you can gather outside and enjoy the sun.

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