Why spend a lot of money on designer shoes, when of the simplest flip flops you can make a very beautiful option. And assistant in this case, you will become the beads and the simple shoes. Today we will learn how to decorate simple flip-flops with beads.

Decorate flip flops for the summer


For work, we need rubber flip-flops "flip flops" as they are called, beads, beads, a needle and thread and a couple of flowers on the adhesive base. If you want you can have rhinestones that will also be sewn to the straps of the Slippers.

Start with the fact that the center straps glued our Central flower. And then go for everything else. The most important thing is accuracy. Remember the skills of embroidery with beads and beads. Options for decorating the shoes very much, but we will focus on a variant with beads.

Decorate flip flops for the summer

After the element is pasted, begin to sew the beads. Their number depends on the width of the ribbon. In our case, to completely cover the material, it took only 3 beads. And gradually formed rows of 3 beads.

Sew carefully so the lines were smooth and neat. First, so draw one side of the Shoe, then the other. Do not forget that each row must be secured additionally with a few stitches to socks all the beads remained in their places, and not strove to escape.

Decorate flip flops for the summer

By the way, a decorative element we have is simple, it can be a little diluted, with the help of beads, of course. This is applied to the surface of the element, in this case, the inner petals, some glue, and glue the beads. By the way, it is possible to use special beads that are made specially for sticking. We have already mentioned in one of our articles.

After the Slippers are ready, you can go for a walk or to the beach.

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