And here's another interesting model. Here are the earrings in the manufacture of which you can try yourself not only in beading, but with origami.

Beads and origami

Earrings with origami

So, today we will talk about is not quite normal earrings. The upper part will be made as usual and usual, but the bottom will consist of paper products. Origami we are going to do the Phoenix with a large and beautiful tail. We will be using colored paper. And use better ad, which was created to work in this technique. Normal colored material around the edges can break down, be disarranged, and the resulting product will lose its appeal. To put such horror on earrings just blasphemous.

Beads and origami

In addition to special paper, you will need two gold rings, a few bicone (two large and two smaller ones), earrings, and wire.

Wire we form a stud with a loop at the top. Do this with the help of special pliers. As we have repeatedly faced with this type of work, dwell on it in detail makes no sense. Just look on our website for relevant articles and workshops.

So, once the stud is ready, take him our bicone. One needs to be larger, the second smaller. Colors will depend on what color is used color paper for the peacock.

Then formed another loop at the bottom of our low, as close it to the bicone. Just be careful not to tighten too much ear yet, first attach the ring to be prepared in advance.

To the top of low ear attachable enclosure. And you can start working with paper.

To do this Phoenix, you will have to operate according to this scheme. If done correctly, the end result is a small and very nice product. It fastened on the earring with wire so you can lose. Can be used for these purposes and common thread.

Beads and origami

Left to make our earring pair, and enjoy your new acquisition.

Beads and origami

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