Here's a wreath we offer you to make. The model and execution is very simple, so they are easy to handle even a novice.
You will need green beads (one wreath will take about 36 green beads, and six red), and you need this funny stuff called chenille stems. Are these pieces of wire like this:
Why, instead of wire we used such material, I think, clear to everyone. It allows you to do the job more casually, and not too focus on accuracy. That is why it is an ideal material for the beginners or for kids who can't cope with their fingers properly.
So, to work. Each flower is a motif of 7 beads – 6 green and one red core.
Strung on our chenille stems 6 beads green color, and turn a bead into a ring. As the material is very obedient, this is not difficult. Then strung on wire red bead, and bent the tail wire with red bead was in the center of the circle. It turns out the original flower. In the same way create all 6 flowers, then formed of them round the wreath.
To make the lower part of the wreath, just the shape of the tails of the wire bow.
Such a wreath would look interesting in any color combination. Naturally, at the end of the work shows that a simple wire is simply not appropriate. Well, not it is here to emphasize the dignity of the wreath, rather the contrary.
In General, the principle of the weave is clear and very simple, as you have already seen this for yourself. And if you are looking for patterns that you can do together with the kids, this wreath fits perfectly. The main thing here is to select the beads larger, so our "furry" wire easily pass into the holes.