- beads black, white and red;
- 2 gold beads for antennae;
- 2 yellow beads crystal, 3 mm in diameter;
- wire
1. Weave the abdomen of the butterfly from black beads parallel weave (Fig. 1). Put on on each wire, 1 gold bead, start from the abdomen 2 cm, bend the wire and twist the ends.
2. The netting of the wings start with a Central element of the greater wing (Fig. 2). To do this, take a yellow bead, string it onto the wire, departing from the edge of 3-4 cm and Then on the long end of the wire string 10 white beads and close them in a ring, passing a wire through the 1st bead. Likewise, do the red ring, scoring 18 beads. 3. Next enter the 15 white and 6 black beads, go back to the 5th bead and type 4 19 black and white beads. Go to the 1st white bead of the last row. 4. Large and small wing trailing on a single wire without interruption. On the first long end of the wire, press 3 white and 12 black beads, go back 2 black beads back and dial 9 black and 3 white beads. Go to the 1st white bead (Fig. 2). 5. The second short, by the end of the wire go through 5 red beads and sign in the white bead of the last row, marked with the letter A (Fig. 3). 6. Similarly weave the second wing of the butterfly in the mirror. 7. Attach both wings to the abdomen (Fig. 4). The ends of the wire clip, clinging to the wire between the beads of the abdomen. Butterfly beaded finish.