Eggs bead. Option 1 Eggs bead. Two optionsMaterial:
  • piece of wood, height 7 cm, diameter 4.5 cm);
  • beads of black and orange;
  • nylon thread,
  • needle No. 1.
Scheme 1 will perform a wide fishnet strip "four diamond", which edges to achieve the required length connect with each other, as shown in the figure. Closed laced band slide on a wooden workpiece.
Eggs bead. Two options According to the scheme 3 to the edge of the openwork strips attach finishing strips, executed in mixed media, "flowers" and "columns" (scheme) and collect at the top and bottom center pieces of wood into a decorative rosette (scheme 2). Then the finishing strips connect the intermediate finishing strips (figure 3b). Eggs bead. Two options Eggs bead. Option 2 Eggs bead. Two optionsMaterial:
  • piece of wood, height 7 cm, diameter — 4.8 cm);
  • beads white, orange and blue;
  • nylon thread,
  • needle No. 1.
The first step: perform long strip in the technique of "flowers", in accordance with scheme 1. Then sew it and the height put on the harvesting of eggs. Further, from a flower located in the center of the top of the workpiece to be balls of wood, pick up a couple of strips in the technique of "flowers" and connect them at the bottom of the workpiece for the egg. As a result, you get the egg, which share the same strips-flowers in the four sectors. In accordance with scheme 3, the resulting sectors of the same flowers do the decorative rosette-crosses, and attach the vertical bars to the top and bottom of the workpiece eggs. Then do the diagonal columns starting at the Central outlet-the cross and fastened to the side strips-flowers. Eggs bead. Two options
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