Flowering tree from beads with their hands Make flowering tree from beads with their hands and you will not regret it, because in front of you in any weather and time of year will stand evergreen tree in bloom. While still in the nest waiting for you a surprise... When the Chicks hatch?
  • two or three shades of green beads
  • beads of white, pale pink flowers
  • a small amount of beads yellow
  • 3 white large beads — it will be eggs in the nest
  • wire
Flowering tree from beads with their hands Weave a growing number of leaves (need a lot of pieces) of green beads of different shades, following the below scheme 1. The petals of flowers braid, white and pale-pink beads according to the scheme 2, each flower consists of 5 petals. If you weave many colors,that tree is very elegant. Buds braid beaded pale pink color, in accordance with scheme 3. The stamens of the flowers spin together 5 pieces for each flower. When all the desired woven flowers, buds and leaves, there comes a time for collecting trees. To do this, take a certain amount of branches and twist the wire ends into a single design, which will be the tree trunk. When you weave the stem of the required length, divide the roots. Excessive length, cut by scissors and give the roots a natural look. Trimming the roots will be useful to complete the nest. To do this, roll them into a ball and squeeze with your thumb the middle the nest is ready. Place 3 large beads of white color (pre-connect them to each other with wire) and attach them to the nest. Left to secure it on any of the branches, for this fasten it with a piece of wire. If the flowering tree from beads with their hands can not stand straight and falls over then fix it to the roots in the pot of alabaster.
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