So you fired up to create. Stocked up on loom, beads, thread and pattern. What to do with all this splendor then? First check, whether you have smooth beads. Do not use in a single product the beads of different size, otherwise it will not be smooth. Next, look closely at his thread. It'll fit it twice in each bead? Whether it is suitable in colour to the beads?
Thus, organizational issues were settled, now the actual weaving. Pull the machine the required number of threads. There should be one more than beads. For example, the product will have a width of 4 beads, so we need to pull 5 strands. Now take the cross thread, wax it and attach to the warp node (note that at the end we will have the end to detach and plug into the product, so do not overdo it :) Now dial the required number of beads to cross thread according to the pattern you want make. Beads should be one less than the number of warp threads (of course :). Put the thread with beads under the base (by the way, and on top - as you prefer) so that between the two threads lay one bead. Then go in reverse order through all the beads of the transverse filament (the one who originally placed the bead of the bead under the base should turn and pass from above. Accordingly, who first made top, now must go down). Here's how it looks:
So, the thread in the product passes through the beads twice, under Foundation and over it. To finish the product you need to tie the string to one of the inner warp threads, to hold again through several beads and trim the thread close to busine. For closing the initial end of his need to untie, then tie the thread around any inner warp threads, to hold through several beads and cut. For greater reliability, you can do a couple more nodes :)
If you intend to use the product for practical purposes, it is better to reinforce it with a thick strip of fabric. Pristegnite the product evenly to the fabric at the intersections of longitudinal and transverse filaments to the bead fabric is not bristled and was well recorded. The warp threads get on the wrong side of fixing the tissue and there secure the stitches and knots. Can also of the warp threads to make fringe (I think there won't be anything complicated).
By the way, take on arms: small woven items you can connect, if we compare the edges and tie pairs of warp threads. Tuck the ends into the fabric.