To weave, solid beaded fabric, virtually indistinguishable from woven, thread and one needle as follows:
Type in the thread the beads for the first row according to the pattern. Then enter one bead for the next row. Slide the thread into the last bead of the first row, and then back to the first bead of the second row. Enter another bead for the second row and thread the needle in the penultimate bead of the first row, and then again a second bead of the new row. Continue to weave according to the scheme:

Simulation technique of weaving beads

This technique allows to reduce the number of beads in the row (useful when you entwine the egg that way). Nisana start with the longest row. On the series, which should be shorter than the previous one, thread some beads two by two beads:

Simulation technique of weaving beads

When you decrease the number of beads in a row follow a pattern: it should not be violated! This is a great way to Platania eggs with beads, as it is so convenient to draw diagrams on paper in a cage. However, remember that the final picture is a bit flattened, because the beads are not perfectly round.

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