Yeah, that's not a typo, and really unusual way of making beautiful jewelry. If you read on, you will be all clear.

Bracelet wire crochet

You will need a very thin wire, thicker for the basics, lots of beads (you can use and not the most smooth and beautiful, and the remainder – in General, anything that comes to hand, even beads). And yet you will need tools – hammer, pliers, pliers, small anvil (if you do not mind Desk, the latter not necessarily).

Begin by forming the bracelet. Wire to do this, use the more thick and dense. The basis consists of three parts – look closely at the photo, all details are shown. The base must be slightly longer than your wrist a little further you will understand why.

And so, the pieces are ready, take up the pliers and shape the curls. Two small details, and twists the ends of large workpieces. In the end it should look like this. That is why procurement had to be longer than necessary. But the little details that turn me into the clasp.

Beats carefully our preparation, so it will cease to be like the wire becomes flat. Now a lot of beads strung on a coil of wire. Nothing cut off, as we will be knitting, wire will go a lot. You don't know how much. And the knots in the center of the bracelet will be evident and spoil the sleeves of the garment.

For handy people, able to work with a hook, this step is not working. Just knit, gradually alternating columns with beads, empty. The beads should be scattered randomly, in no particular order. So it will be interesting and beautiful. The initial chain of the stitches should be long to match the length of a large workpiece.

Begin to connect the parts of our bracelet. To start, attach one item of our clasp. Do it again using thin wire. That's how it should look ideally.

Then carefully fastened on the workpiece cloth knitted wire with beads. The second hook can also be secured with wire so as not to lose socks in the process. That's all, a chic bracelet is ready. And looks very fancy and easy to do.

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