As a rule, we offer you diagram of bracelets made on the fishing line or wire. The result is a rather elastic design on the clasp, which is tight on the wrist. Today we offer you to deviate from these rules and make a beaded bracelet on a metal base. It will effectively sit on your hand, giving it a fragile appearance.

Beaded bracelet on a metal base


Let's start work. To start, we need metal bracelet of your size. That is a dress he should be if not easy, then at least with relative ease, not dropping during wear. Put it to the side, it will serve as a basis for your charm bracelet.

Beaded bracelet on a metal base

Now appeal directly to the beads. If you don't want to bother braiding, can limit buying here is a beaded belt with large leaves. The store should be enough such options. But if you have the desire to do the bracelet, you then need to find the scheme of weaving such leaves, not necessarily as like as two drops of water on these. And, therefore, needed to weave the bracelet number.

Beaded bracelet on a metal base

Beaded bracelet on a metal base

And then things are even easier. Take the glue gun, the same one that helps us to glue with silicone glue, and glue to our metal billet woven leaves in a circle, not to be seen the foundations.

Beaded bracelet on a metal base

Beaded bracelet on a metal base

It turns out all accurately, quickly, and very beautiful. And most importantly — you have plenty of opportunities to modify the bracelet. You can take and weave various flowers, petals or any other items, which then will take a worthy place on the same metal bracelet.

Beaded bracelet on a metal base

So what are the options you have, the most important is, as they say, to start, and then it will be difficult to stop. By the way, this is a great option if you are suddenly invited to the celebration, and you want to please a loved one an original gift.

It seemed to us that here is well suited maple leaves, Irish clover, and these original papers.

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