First day of winter passed, and in most cities has already fallen the first pure snow. It's time for sculpting snowmen. Today the article is dedicated to all lovers of snow art. No snow to sculpt nothing will, but the snowmen of beads – easily.

Earrings snowmen


Winter requires special attention to the decorations. Especially relevant now themed decorations that bring the winter to your image. Are sure that you will love your new earrings for men are bold and strong, who likes sport and original style.

For this decoration you will need beads of size from largest to smallest. Three of them being transparent, faceted, and one, the smallest, black. Some more sequins in black color (their number depends on how many snowmen you want to do), carnations to work on jewelry and a small piece of bright colored yarn. And earrings to make snowmen earrings.

By the way, instead of the sequins you can take flat faceted bead, it is necessary for the formation of the fields of the cap, so it should be as thin as possible.

So, the work begins with the fact that our carnations strung on the largest bead, then a second, smaller size. And third. In General, the formed snowman as expected, from the large bulb to a small. After a transparent string piatco or flat black bead, and finally the little black bead.

Now it machinery, tools, and skills.

Earrings snowmen

Slightly stepping back from the last bead, begin to form a loop. Better to do it using pliers.

And, after that, the remaining tip of the stud pulls on the rod, pressing the beads to each other.

Earrings snowmen

Here, in General and most of the work. Is left attached enclosure and tie on the neck of the snowman warm scarf – bright colored thread. Most importantly, this snowman certainly will not melt away the house, and I can wear it for any occasion.

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