Branch coral

Branch coralProduct weight: 41,9 grams


  • silver memory wire with large diameter — ¾ revolution;
  • silver memory wire with a small diameter — 1 turn;
  • fishing line for crafts — 1 meter;
  • transparent seed beads — 279 units;
  • smoky beads — 293 pieces;
  • small beads of hematite with a diameter of 0.4 cm — 28 pieces;
  • large beads of hematite with a diameter of 0.7 cm — 3 pieces ( hole of the beads should be wide enough for threading the two clasped each other of the segments of wire);
  • hematite bead with two holes measuring 1 x 0.5 cm — 1 thing (hole beads should be wide enough for threading stacked with each other of the segments of wire);
  • stone chippings crystal with holes — 25 pieces;
  • the pieces of coral with holes — 31 thing.

Job description

  • Wire-based pendant consists of ¾ of the circumference of the coil spring of large diameter.
  • Placed in the center of the wire 20 smoky beads. Further, on both sides symmetrically strung on one small busine hematite, 15 transparent beads, one large busine hematite, smoky 10 beads, one busine hematite 3 coral with intervals of small beads of hematite, and 5 smoky beads.
  • Round wire of small diameter raskazyvaet pliers into two equal parts.
  • Through two large hematite beads threaded halves of the wire so that two sides were equal segments.
  • Lock wire of large diameter into a ring by stringing on two opposite sides one hematite bead with two holes. For stringing use one top hole. Tighten the wire ends so that two sides were equal segments.
  • On the free ends of the halves of wire of small diameter symmetrically placed to: 5 transparent beads, the one cut crystal, 5 transparent beads, one coral, 5 transparent beads and cut crystal. The ends of the block inner loops. The same pattern filled in the second length of wire.
  • Decorative half-hearted suspensions pendant should be sent to the parties.
  • The lower ends of the wire of large diameter symmetrically strung on: 5 smoky beads, cutting crystal, 3 smoky beads, one coral, and 3 smoky bead. The ends of the wire lock internal hinges.
  • One meter of fishing line clippers cut into three cut at 30, 40 and 30 cm Put all three pieces of fishing line through the bottom hole of the Central beads of hematite. Put on on each side on the line of 10 beads so that each side had the same segment of transparent beads, and two cut smoky beads. Cuts fishing line fix using one large bead hematite and tightens so to get two cut at 18 cm in length, two cut to 13 cm, and two segments of 10 and 16cm.
  • On a segment of fishing line with a length of 18 cm strung on: 20 smoky beads, one small busine hematite, smoky 5 beads, one coral, 5 transparent beads, the one cut crystal, 5 smoky beads, one small busine hematite, 5 transparent beads, one coral, 5 smoky beads, cutting crystal, 5 transparent beads, one small busine hematite, smoky 5 beads, one coral, 5 transparent beads, the one cut crystal, 5 smoky beads, one small busine hematite, 5 transparent beads, one coral. One end of the fishing line concludes 5 transparent beads, one for cutting crystal, and 5 transparent beads. Leave the tip of the line 1.5 cm cut the excess with wire cutters. Hold the line tonkokostny closer to the beads, then place the free end of the fishing line to the candle flame. Aplauses the tip to the state of round ball. Held the ball weight until cool, about 10 to 15 seconds. The other end of the line complete: 5 smoky bead, one small bead of hematite, 5 transparent beads. The tip of the fishing line aplause.
  • Two cut the line at 13 cm string in: 10 clear beads, one small busine hematite, 5 transparent beads, one coral, 5 transparent beads, one crystal logging, 5 transparent beads, one small busine hematite, 5 transparent beads, one coral, 5 transparent beads, one crystal logging, 5 transparent beads, one small busine hematite, 5 transparent beads, one coral and 5 transparent beads. The ends of the line aplause.
  • The cut fishing line in 10 cm have: 10 smoky bead, one small bead of hematite, smoky 5 beads, one coral, 5 smoky beads, one for cutting crystal, 5 smoky bead, one small bead of hematite, smoky 5 beads, one coral, smoky 3 and 2 clear beads. The tip of the fishing line aplause over a candle flame.
  • On the last part of the line length of 16 cm strung: 10 smoky bead, one small bead of hematite, smoky 5 beads, one coral, 5 smoky beads, one for cutting crystal, 5 smoky bead, one small bead of hematite, smoky 5 beads, one coral, 5 smoky beads, one for cutting crystal, 5 smoky bead, one small bead of hematite, smoky 5 beads, one coral, 5 smoky beads, one for cutting crystal, smoky 3 and 2 clear beads. The tip of the fishing line aplause.

Branch coral Branch coral Branch coral Branch coral Branch coral Branch coral Branch coral Branch coral Branch coral Branch coral Branch coral Branch coral Branch coral

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