So, today we will make a ring that will look great in combination with one of the bracelets, which we did earlier.
And so, our bracelet can be found here. Our circular ring element, or more precisely getting started with seed beads, will largely resemble the item for your charm bracelet. That is why we will not dwell on the beginning, where is formed the basis. You can see in the previous master class. The only difference – used beads of a different color. And as the Central beads take quite a large faceted.
And so, we formed the first three rows of our round item. It's time to connect to it with faceted bicones and some seed beads. To do this, the needle needs to go from the last row of beads. String on a round bead, and another bicone. Skip one bead of the previous row, and send our thread with the needle in the next bead. Thus are formed the petals of our round flower with a big heart. Next, a needle is sent to the next during the bead of the previous row, and everything is repeated again.
So we are in a circle formed by the petals. After work the line fixed, and if it is short, simply cut the excess, and hide the tails. And you can do the bezel ring, so it kept you on the finger.
For this we use the same beads for the formation of the core. Fasten the thread, or fishing line, to the first row of our core. This will get our bezel. And now strung on a needle the first two beads, and drag them to our base. Then string two more beads, and put into these two from the previous step. Thus establishing a chain of necessary length. To avoid mistakes, regularly considering and putting a ring on her finger.
Tags: Ring, round, with, element