- beads No. 11 red 10 g of white, 30 g, Golden yellow - 40 g, maroon - 4 g, olive green 20 g, purple - 2 g, black - 3 year, light flesh - 4 g, corporal - 2 g, dark Nude - 2 g brown - g 2, blue - 30 g, deep blue - 2 year, blue - 2G colors;
- piece of wood 36 cm in circumference and 17 cm in height.
1. Paint a wooden egg pearlescent acrylic paint pale blue.
2. Weave belt consisting of a mesh, according to the scheme in figure 1.
3. Complete in accordance with the scheme faces of the virgin and Jesus on the top and the bottom wooden piece.
4. Stitch the beaded belt and put it on a wooden egg.
5. Continue twining the eggs with a mesh top and bottom of the workpiece, gradually capturing beads "hand-weaving". Try to keep the twining tightly to a wooden workpiece.
6. Weave the 2 chains, as shown in the diagram of figure 2, use faceted gold beads 4 mm in diameter and gold beads are the most dark shade. Each chain try on the egg, so you determine the length needed. Decorate the halos of virgin Mary and Baby Jesus chains.
7. Run the garland, in accordance with figure 3. The length can vary, so try on the garland on braided Easter egg gift from beads — it should be on the border of "hand weaving" and beaded mesh.
The Central part of leaves runs from dark green in cuttings, and the external border of green beads of different shades.
Wonderful moments