Easter egg Daisies

The workpiece in the form of balls with a diameter of 4.8 cm, beads white "Guetermann Seeds" of art. 773875 col 1006 - 3 oz., beads yellow "Guetermann Seeds" of art. 773875 col 1557 — 3 oz., beads lemon spark "Guetermann Seeds" of art. 773875 col 1480 - 3 oz., beads blue "Guetermann Seeds" of art. 773875 col 6575 — 6 oz., beads sea waves transparent "Guetermann Seeds" of art. 773875 col 7080 - 10 oz., beads for the bottom of the white "Guetermann glass pearl" art. 773883 col 1030.

Weave the belt according to the diagram in figure 39, to display her symmetrical and repeating three times. Put the belt on the workpiece.

Easter egg Daisies

The lower part duplicite in this sequence: five rows - beaded sea green, three rows of lemon - light, eleven rows, with beads the color of a sea wave. The bottom is finished with yellow beads and sew white beads for stability.

The upper part of the braid in this order: one row of beads sea green, with three rows of lemon, eight rows - beaded sea green.

Next, complete the diagram by drawing 40 - the eight petal daisies. Top doplatit yellow beads, the Bottom doplatit beaded clear beads sea green and sew white beads for stability.

Easter egg Daisies
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