The basis of this product we will include beads, bronze color, and small beads. Join us to your wrist for the summer was always decorated with interesting and original decorations.
Prepare for work: beads, size 15, 11 and 8. So you need a 4 mm pearl beads. And another of the necessary materials, fishing line and a needle.
The work begins with that string on the line 4 beads, and here formed a cross. To do this, cross both tail threads 4 strung bead. Use beads bronze color, size 11.
Further, on the lower tail strung 2 beads 11, one 8 and 3 the beads 11. And send the tail back to the big bead, bypassing others. Place it into the bead on the left side than the right.
Take this tail 6 beads 11, and do exactly the same step as the previous one. In other words, the send thread 3 strung bead (in this series, it is no different sizes) on the left side. It turns out another cross. Take the next two beads 11, a large bead 8 and 3 the beads 11.
Repeat the previous step, here only to return again in the large bead. And join our quadrangle.
Send one of the tails so that it was positioned as shown in the pictures.
Add to the center of our quadrilateral the two beads 15, gold color 4 mm bead and 2 beads. As a result, you should get here.
Then send the thread through the beads the other way, so she left cross. And begin to form another quadrilateral. All the steps are repeated.
Generated low we need the length, then another bead, exactly the same length.
Then connect them to each other with large beads. For step-by-step photos clearly shows exactly how it should be done.
Repeat all steps until the bracelet we will not have assembled together. In the end there will be to attach the clasp to adorn your wrist a new product bead.