In order to make this bracelet, you will need a small roses with holes in the base. They will be the center of each element consists of a floral beaded bracelet. As a result you get an amazing product that will complement the romantic feel.

Bracelet with roses


For work we need:

  • Rose of clay, small, 8 mm;
  • Conical crystals 4 mm;
  • Round pearl beads of different sizes, 3,4 and 6 mm.;
  • 3mm Czech faceted beads;
  • Beads №11;
  • Fishing line.

Strung on fishing line with a length of 80 cm 3 beads and one pearl bead for 3 mm, and 3 more beads. Crossed the fishing line tails in the rosette.

Bracelet with roses

For each tails take another 3 beads and cross the thread in the threaded track busine 3 mm. Sent the line on our beads, adding between two rows made one busine on each side. There are 4 beads, one on each side.

Bracelet with roses

Send our tails twine so that they came out of beads located near the bead. And strung on the left tail crystal bead, bead, 6mm bead, another bead. And crossed both of the tail, right and left, strung crystal.

Bracelet with roses Bracelet with roses

The following series is created in much the same except that we take along 6 mm beads strung on the left tail bead 4mm, and the right tail is pre-sent in the next bead of the base.

Bracelet with roses

For the next step sent right tail through the beads and the bead that it came out through the bead after beads our Foundation. And on the left hand strung bead, large bead, bead, and again crossed both tail next strung crystal.

Bracelet with roses

So make out our base in a circle. The last step is to add little beads between the rows, because the crystals are already there on both sides.

Bracelet with roses

Now under each bead of the external row should be the row with the Czech beads.

Bracelet with roses

For the bracelet will be enough to make 6 or 7 squares, which are then connected to each other.

Bracelet with roses Bracelet with roses

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