Turquoise is always considered a stone that brings good luck. Let our necklace turquoise recalls only its color, but it does not prevent to believe in his magical abilities. And let the finished necklace a turquoise will be your amulet, which gives a good mood and attracts good luck.
So, we'll need beads, of course, turquoise, wire, gold chain, several small rings, clips, and clasp.
And it all starts with the most simple. You first need to form a bead is low. By the way, from their length depends on the length of the finished necklace.
So formed are low in total we need 6 pieces, and they should all be the same length.
By the way, is strung not only on wire but also on the fishing line and monofilament. Importantly, the material was dense, and not threatening to burst at the wrong moment.
So, after the low formed at the end of each of them is necessary to tie a knot so that the beads are not escaped.
Each knot will hide under the left clip, which are used in jewelry when working with beads. Each of them must be equipped with a ring eyelet.
Now each pair is low we fastened using a clip or clamp, as you prefer, on top and at the bottom.
Then strung them on a ring and the ring is pinched. To get such a cute braid you have to remember the skills of weaving thereof. At the end when the braid is ready, take the clips on another ring that also hold.
It remains only to attach to the same rings, the chain, which previously was divided into two equal parts of a suitable size. Now it is small: fasten the clasp, you can choose absolutely anything and everything.
You can wear a necklace and be proud of the work done.