Funny squirrel bead for a phone or keys will not go unnoticed. Crafts in the form of a Cockerel chicken, you can also donate on the feast of Easter to a loved one.
Cockerel chicken. Key chains beadedYou will need:
  • beads-a grain 11/0 (red, orange, white, yellow, black, pink);
  • red oblong beads with a diameter of 4 mm;
  • round beads black color with a diameter of 3 mm;
  • bead white color with a diameter of 5 mm with a large hole;
  • Golden wire No. 32;
  • nylon thread No. 2;
  • acrylic bead white in color with a diameter of 7 mm with a large hole;
  • dressmaker pin;
  • acrylic bead white in color with a diameter of 10 mm with a large hole;
  • split ring for keys;
  • chain phone
Cockerel chicken. Key chains beaded 1. The head of the cock: fix with tape in the workplace, a thread of nylon with a length of 75 cm, while back from the edge of the thread 8, see the thread through the large bead desyatimillimetrovogo white. 2. Glued end of the thread should be at the bottom, turn over this bead. On a thread of string of beads to form rows, tight bead diameter 10 mm. Cockerel chicken. Key chains beaded 3. Continue to string the bead, as was done in step 2. Carefully follow the number and color. Strung beads for row 9, thread the thread through the beads of the 7th row to make a beak (see diagram). Cockerel chicken. Key chains beaded4. If upon completion of the braiding beads for a number 14 not all of its surface is closed, pick up additional rows of beads to gaps left.
Cockerel chicken. Key chains beaded5. After stringing the beads for the last row, slide the thread through the beads in row 8.
6. Guide the thread through the same bead. Add a few more beads, skip the thread again through the same bead (see diagram).
7. Add more beads, skip the thread through the bead as shown in the diagram.
Cockerel chicken. Key chains beaded8. Remove the tape. Tie the ends of thread, make 2-3 knots, apply some glue node.
9. Guide the ends of the thread through the beads 2-3. Trim the excess ends.
Cockerel chicken. Key chains beaded10. The torso of the cock: take acrylic bead with a diameter of 7 mi and a nylon string with a length of 55 cm, the Torso is the same as the head.
11. After stringing beads for a number 1 guide the thread through the beads of row 1. Finish as in step 7.
Cockerel chicken. Key chains beaded12. Chicken: take acrylic bead with a diameter of 5 mm and a thread length of 50 cm action Figure a chicken is just like the head of a cock. After you have strung the beads for the number 11, draw the thread through the beads, as shown in the diagram. Finish as in step 8.
Cockerel chicken. Key chains beaded13. Wings and legs cock: cut two piece of wire with a length of 25 cm. String the beads on one of them to get a foot (see diagram).
14. Guide the wire through the beads of row b of the body, made according to the description in step 10.
Cockerel chicken. Key chains beaded15.Spend another length of wire through beads number 5. Make the wings, attach them to the body of the chicken. Guide the thread through the top three beads in row 5 (see diagram). Twist the wire together 3-4 times, trim the excess ends.
Cockerel chicken. Key chains beaded16. Make the second wing from the second piece of wire. Guide the wire through the top three beads in row 10. Twist the wire, fold the end to not carpatica.
Cockerel chicken. Key chains beaded 17. Attach the chain to your phone. Shorten the pin to its length was 3 cm. Stick a pin in the torso first, then figures. The protruding end of the pins bend to make a ring. Put a split key ring on in the ring bent end of the pins and a comb. 18. Thread a split ring chain for phone. Here and make key chains out of beads.
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