Today I want to talk to You about this type of weaving as a square, yet it is called dense, and at the same time to give a master class on how to make a key chain for your beaded.

Square (tight) weave


Square netting is often used in making friendship bracelets, bulk jewelry and toys, as well as in the beaded eggs bead. Here you need to pick the right thread under the main color weaving, to finished the garland it was not very noticeable, and, ideally, does not even visible.

In the dense weave beads located one above the other. And to add, in a row, above the key bead perepletaetsya two. And similarly, to subtract, in a row over 2 beads perepletaetsya 1. In the picture you can see how the needle is held in this case.

Square (tight) weave

In the pictures you can see the decrease (1 picture), straight weaving (3), as well as the addition of the beads (figure 3).

We will need:

  • red seed beads 10 grams
  • beads metallic gray – 3 g,
  • fishing line beads,
  • nylon thread for stitches.


1. Strung on fishing line 19 beads t/grey – this is our first row of weaving.

Square (tight) weave

Further, according to the diagram and instructions for weaving (given earlier) start to weave the 2nd row.

Square (tight) weave

2. Weave a total of 18 rows, according to the scheme.

Square (tight) weave

The first half of our keychain ready:

Square (tight) weave

3. The second half of the weave is similar, only without drawing a smiley.

4. Then combine the 2 halves between 4 parties.

5. Nylon thread, length 15 cm, fold in half, join the ends and tying in a knot, this knot put between the two halves when joining them.

Square (tight) weave

6. Between the halves put a piece of foam or several layers of thick fabric for the density and volume.

7. From the sides we get are not exactly beautiful region, to give him a decent view and process it as follows:

7.1 Fasten the thread on the corner of the pendant, strung on fishing line a few beads so that the thread length was equal to the length of the side of the FOB.

Square (tight) weave

7.2 Fasten the thread on the opposite edge

Square (tight) weave

Then put the needle back on the thread on 2 beads and attach to the side of the stick. Thus, every 2 beads do seam to the side of the stick. All our key chain is ready!

Square (tight) weave

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