Serviette "Bouquet of irises"

Hits:811 Napkins

You'll need White Batiste sizes 42 X 42 cm, thread floss in 2 addition light blue, blue, purple, yellow, light green colors; embroidery needle; sewing thread white color; scheme of...

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Floral napkin

Hits:846 Napkins

You'll need White Batiste sizes 42 X 42 cm; embroidery floss in 2 addition white, light blue, light carrot and light green colors; sewing thread white color; scheme of the...

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A napkin "Autumn bouquet"

Hits:938 Napkins

You'll need White linen fabric: for a large napkin — size 51 X 40 cm, for a small napkins 46 X 46 cm; embroidery floss in 2 addition pink, purple...

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Napkin with openwork leaves and

Hits:804 Napkins

You'll need Linen dimensions of 40 X 60 cm; floss 3-4 adding 5 colours: lemon yellow, light green, light green, green, dark green; embroidery needle; diagram of the pattern in...

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Cloth "Blue flowers"

Hits:839 Napkins

You'll need Harsh canvas dimensions 40 X 61 cm; floss 3-4 adding 4 colors: blue, blue, blue, dark blue; diagram of the pattern in full size; embroidery needle; embroidery Hoop;...

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