You'll need
White linen fabric: for a large napkin — size 51 X 40 cm, for a small napkins 46 X 46 cm; embroidery floss in 2 addition pink, purple, dark green, green, dark swamp, marsh, light green, light green, beige, dark beige, orange, dark orange, reddish-orange, brick, red brick, dark brown, brown, light brown in color; embroidery needle; sewing thread white color; scheme of the pattern in full size; tracing cloth; copy paper; a pencil.
This work is done with stitches chain stitch, stalk-like, "forward needle", "Palestrina", gladium roller, shadow, double-sided stitch, hemstitch "brush".
First at a distance of 4.5 cm from each edge pull 2 threads of the fabric. Fold the sides 2 times for 0.5 and 2 cm hem Corners on the diagonal white sewing thread.
Run the openwork, simultaneously sewing the hem of the napkin. For heirloom first make the outline with white thread. Then cut 5 strands of fabric and pull them. The needle with the working thread pull to the front side at the bottom edge frayed. Then working thread obvate 4-5 threads, making the stitch, and tighten them in a bun. On the reverse side make a diagonal stitch from the top down to the next beam. The remaining beams do exactly the same.
Now turn the drawing on tracing paper. Spread a white linen cloth for the big swipe, she put the carbon paper on top of tracing paper with a pattern. Secure all the layers and sharpened pencil guide for all the large contours of the pattern so that it starts at a distance of 2 cm from the heirloom. Small motifs translated into a distance of 8 cm from a large in opposite directions. Remove the tracing paper and carbon paper.
Embroider the nuts of the shadow surface. Thread beige color clip on reverse side and print on the front side at the outer edge of the nut. Complete the 1 edge of the part of the dense stitches of the same length. The following series will realize a dark beige thread in 2 additions. Start each stitch between the stitches of the previous row to the infusion of a new color happened quickly. Next 2 rows follow the thread in 2 addition light brown and brown. Finish nuts next stitch dark brown color. Then complete the sepals nuts shadow stitch thread the swamp, and temnozelenogo colors.
Follow the shadowy expanse of little leaves starting from the edges. First you make a row along the edge of a dark brown thread. The next series of fill stitches of brown thread, the subsequent rows of brick, red brick and orange colors. The middle leaves make beige. Every stitch of the new color start between the stitches of the previous color. On top of the surface of each leaf stalk stitch in dark brown thread in 2 additions highlight streaks.
Berries embroider satin stitch shadow mauve, pink, reddish-brick and orange threads in 2 additions. First fill in the middle of the berries with threads of bright colors, then panel it in a darker thread.
Rose hips follow the shadowy surface reddish-brick thread. In the middle of each fruit make Blik a few beige stitches. Edge of the fruit make brown thread, seam "forward needle". Sprigs of rose hips embroider green and dark green thread chain stitch. Pulling the needle on the front side at the beginning of the twigs and form a loop. Insert the needle into the fabric close to the exit point of the thread, and print it on the front side in the middle of the loops. Do the following loop so that it came out of the 1st. The remaining stitches embroider the same pattern.
Leaf rose hips complete the shadow surface green tones. Start to sew the base of the leaf with threads of green color, gradually filling the outline of the leaf with threads of darker tones. Finish the leaf with a dark green thread. Veins follow stalk seam of dark-colored marsh. The second leaf of wild rose embroider in the same way.
The edge of a large oak leaves complete by gladium roller orange thread in 2 additions. Glideway cushion start with the base of the leaf. Each stitch is put in the direction from the edge to the center and parallel to the previous one. All the stitches should lie close to each other. In the middle of the leaves decorate the stem, completing the stalk stitch of brown thread. It also start with the base of the leaf.
The leaves of the hazel shadow embroider satin green tones. Start from the middle of the leaf, filling it with light green color. Another number make a light green, then green. Subsequent rows will fill in the marsh and deep marsh thread. Edges make brown thread. The veins of the leaves highlight stalked seam dark green thread in 2 additions.
A twig with two small leaves and run the seam "Palestrina" brown thread. Make a stitch on a diagonal and pull the needle with the working thread on the left side of the 1st stitch. Guide the needle under the 1st stitch and make it around 2 turns, forming a knot. Complete cross-stitch, withdrawing the needle with the working thread on the wrong side. The following stitches run the same way.
Fill the leaves shadow stitch, starting from the middle. First run the number of thread 2 addition of orange color, next row — with a thread of dark orange, then reddish orange, KRASNOPEREKOPSKOGO, brick colors. The edge of the panel leaves a seam "forward a needle" brown thread.
Ornaments are divided into several types: tape, strip, mesh, rosette, in which the details of the pattern inscribed into the socket (circle, diamond, square or other geometric figure).
Complete the acorns of the shadow surface. Start to embroider them with the tips of the beige thread in 2 additions. Go to the thread of orange color, and then make the transition to a reddish-brick, then to a brown color. Cupule acorns complete the knotted threads marsh and temnozelenogo colors. The knots should be placed close to each other.
Small cloth embroider in the same way that a large napkin, positioning the pattern at a distance of 2 cm from the edge frayed (Fig. 56).

Figure 56. A napkin "Autumn bouquet"