This hood (figure 550) build on the basis of any of the previous two hoods so that the neck was closed up to her chin.
Remove the copy patterns are given in figure 547, article Classic hood, don't forget to enter the notch D and H. we will Continue the FD line down from the notch D, and specify nadziejko N located 3 cm below the notch D (see figure 551)
To determine the length of line Hi, 1 / 3 of the measurements of the circumference of your head, divide by 4 (for example, 60:3=20 cm; 20:4=5 cm). To the left perpendicular to the line Hi put the same amount (5 cm) and put nadechka. Connect the notch j and D a smooth curve.
To find the point through which pass the line of the neck of the hood, aside from the point j in the direction indicated by a wavy line, a segment equal to Dj, and set point K. the Point K connect a smooth curve with the old line of the neck, as shown in figure 551.
From the middle of the back of the hood put a period equal to the length of his neck tailored solution tuck and Refine point location K. Fix, if necessary, the line Dj (in this example it is slightly lowered).