The embodiment of dolls can be doll with composite body. The female figures attached skirt, and the male figures legs. Separately can be made head and torso.
Bundle of straw for the skirts can be coupled with the body in two ways. In the first case it is inserted inside the bundle of straw torso (figure 5.82 a, b). In the second case, the strips, intended for skirts, sostragivajut at the top of the beam. Then it is tied around the trunk at waist level (figure 5.82 C, d).
The photo shows the doll with composite body.
Performing legs male doll with composite frame, a bundle of straws prepared for the feet, insert inside the beam Solomin torso. Tie at the waist ligation. Divide the strips into 2 equal parts and tie the legs (figure 5.83 a, b).
Head dolls can also be arranged in different ways, focusing on the created image. For male figurines of the wizard, mostly hats and headbands that hold hair. For female figures, you can perform a variety of wreaths, headdresses in the form of wrapped nametak. The hair, if necessary, you can braid one or two braids.
Consider more sophisticated ways of making puppets.
Doll with composite frame. (female figure, size 16x13x10 cm).
the beam is split into strips Solomin width of 2-2,5 mm each, beam diameter 1.5 cm, 14-16 cm in length, head and upper torso of the doll;
the beam is split into strips Solomin width of 2-2,5 mm each, beam diameter of 5-7 mm, length 17 cm, for performing the frame;
50-60 Solomin from the upper part of the stem with a diameter of 1.5—2 mm to perform elements of the twisted braids;
30 long straws from the middle part of the stem with a diameter of 3 mm for run flat woven;
16 straw strips with a width of 7 mm and a length of 10-12 cm to run beads;
thread, scissors, needle, glue.
twisted voluminous braid of 7 and 9 Solomin ;
flat braid "catfish" 4 Solomin ;
flat braid catfish with turns ;
braid "chain" of 2 Solomin ;
volumetric pyramidal beads .
Execution of the work.
1. Take a bunch of straw strips, intended for the head and torso of the doll. Align them along one edge and tie tightly at a distance of 2 cm from the edge (figure 5.84).
2. Around the short ends, wind the thickening of the thread or thin braided "chain", the diameter of the wound part is 16-17 mm.
Long straw the ends of the beam Flex in the opposite direction and evenly distributed around the thickening. You should now have a rounded head doll. Make a tight bandage around the neck (figure 5.84 a, b).
3. Take a bunch of straw strips, designed to frame the dolls hands. Tie it in two dressings at a distance of 12 cm from each other, leaving right and left free ends with a length of 2.5 cm (figure 5.84).
4. The free ends of the straw strips on the frame arms fold on the base and secure with a bandage (figure 5.84 g).
5. Take 7 Solomin from the upper part of the stem, prepared to run twisted tangles. Tie them to the right edge of the frame the ends inside the weaving. Vyplatit twisted braid of 7 Solomin in the form of a sleeve. Check the dimensions specified on the drawing (figure 5.84 d). After weaving the ends of the straws, tie to the frame.
6. Similarly, the right run the left sleeve.
7. Take the dolls head will determine where she will face. The free ends of the straw bundle divide into front and rear portions. Between them insert the prepared stick puppets. Bundles of straw bands firmly tie at the waist (figure 5.84 e, f). The ends of the tied beam cut to a size of 3-4 cm.
Execution skirts and decor.
1. Skirt doll runs a separate element and then attached to the frame of the body. Take 9 Solomin from the beam prepared for performance of twisted braids. Tie thin ends out of the weave. The dressing, after performing the netting clear. Weave in the technique of twisted netting for the skirt of the doll bell, the size of which is consistent with the figure (figure 5.84 b), and proportions of the already the body of the doll.
2. The bell loose top dressing on the ends of straws and rasplatita the bell at the top, opening a small hole in which you can put the lower part of the frame of the torso of the doll.
3. Tie a bell skirt to the torso of the doll. Twist ties make a and glue promazhte (figure 5.84).
4. Weave of the prepared straw flat braid "catfish" with a length of 1 m.
5. Weave flat twist "catfish" turns, length 25— 30 cm complete Turns alternately right and left. Perform 4 turns on top and bottom, verifying their status with the lower edge of the skirt.
The turns should be placed in front and behind, right and left of the circle.
6. Panel bottom dress doll ribbon flat braids "catfish". The joints of the ends of the braids put back.
7. Above sew zigzag "catfish". Secure it just behind the lower corners. The top corners place the skirt front and back, right and left.
8. Measure and cut from a flat braids 2 cut lengths which should be enough to go around the shoulders of the doll and down the sides of the skirt to the upper side of teeth zigzag braids.
9. Cut the pieces of the plaiting fold in half, medium-sized parts lay on the right and left shoulder of the doll, go around the sleeves and down the sides of the skirt. The position of the braids lock it with the dressing on the belt. The ends of the hem on the inner side in zigzag braids to the side upper corner.

10. Measure and cut 2 cut flat braids length from the waist of the doll to the upper front and back teeth zigzag braids. The top of the braided tie at the waist of the doll, front and rear, and the lower hem on the inner side of the zigzag braids, to the upper corners.
11. Follow these 12 beads pyramid of straw ribbons 4 mm wide and 4 pyramid beads from the thatched strips of width 6 mm.
12. Sew from a piece of "catfish" wreath, corresponding to the perimeter of the head of the doll. To the lower edge of the back of the wreath hem 4 of the suspension. To run a single suspension string on a needle and thread 3 small beads, alternating straw tubes with a length of 1 cm. Each pendant begins and ends with a bead. Wreath with pendants clip on doll head. Its internal surface in contact with the head, can lubricate.
13. Weave of linked together by two long thin straws braided "chain". Tie it, making a few turns, the waist of the doll. On each of the ends of the braids stick at the two beads.
14. Weave 2 braids long "chain" of thin straws. Stitch of them oval basket, the size of which is consistent with the proportions of the doll. Put the stitches from the inside of the forms, masking them in the hollows of the weave.
Inspect your doll, remove the protruding ends of the weaving, straws and thread, protruding globs of adhesive.
You can change the decor of the doll, to come up with some form of sleeves and skirts, headgear, and hairstyles to use for making other types of plane and three-dimensional weaving. If the inside of the frame to insert the wire, the arms can be curved, giving them a different position.
Doll with composite frame (the male figure, size 16x11x4 cm).
40 Solomin from the middle part of the stem with a diameter of 3-3,5 mm and a length of 20 cm to complete the head, upper torso, legs, and coat doll;
the beam is split into strips Solomin width of 2-2,5 mm each, beam diameter of 7-8 mm, length 14 cm, for performing the frame;
25-30 Solomin from the upper part of the stem with a diameter of 1.5—2 mm to perform elements of twisted braids and braided "chain";
4 long straw from the middle part of the stem with a diameter of 3 mm for run flat braids;
2 straw ribbon with a width of 5 mm and a length of 10-12 cm to run beads;
thread, scissors, needle, glue.
twisted voluminous braid of 5 Solomin ;
flat braids of 4 straws with two guides ;
braid "chain" of 2 Solomin ;
volumetric pyramidal beads .
Execution of the work.
1. From the beam prepared for the body of the doll Solomin take 16 pieces, align along one edge. Tightly tie the ends of the straws The dressing position at a distance of 4 cm from the edge of the straw of the beam (figure 5.85). From the top of the beam will be carried out hair, the lower will be the basis for the torso and legs.
2. Pinch the long ends of straws in different directions, leaving the center of 2-3 of the straw. Wrap them around a straw ribbon or yarn, making a bulge with a diameter of 16-17 mm. Evenly around it the rest of the straw and make the following dressing, forming a rounded head of a doll (figure 5.85 b).
3. Take a straw strips, prepared to frame the dolls hands. Tie them tightly together the two dressings. The distance between the two dressings is 10 see the ends of the trim frame so that its full length was 12 cm (figure 5.85).
4. Bind to ligation of the left frame 5 Solomin cooked to helical weaving. Tips Solomin position inside netting. Appetite frame to the middle of its length, do the same for the right side of the frame. After weaving the ends of the straws, tie to the frame (figure 5.85 g).
5. Determine where your doll will have the face. Divide the straw of the torso into 2 parts — the front and rear. Front beam, which will be located on the chest of the doll has a straw for 2-3 more. Between the front and rear torso parts doll insert hands, firmly moving them to dressing the neck (figure 5.85 d).
6. Tie together 16 of straws for the legs of the doll are close to the ends. Place the straw between the associated Solomin torso, propping them handle the doll (figure 5.85).
7. Tie all the straw of the torso at the waist, equalizing the proportions of the doll (figure 5.85 g).
8. Divide the straw intended for the feet of the doll on 2 pieces of 8 straws each. Tie each bundle at the bottom at a distance of approximately 8.5 cm from the waist. The excess ends of the straws, remove by cutting them close to the ligation (figure 5.85 s).
9. A bundle of short straws, used for the execution of the doll's hair, a laminate with a needle on a narrow strip of width 1.5—2 mm. straw evenly Split fold down, spreading them across the surface of the head. Position Solomin fix temporary ligation that after the straw dries, remove the (figure 5.85).
10. Take two bunches of straws from the middle part of the stem, to 6 straws in each. Tie each of them in the middle of the dressing, close the narrow straw with tape. The straw in the bundles taper. Put tied with straw in places dressings on the shoulders of the doll. The free ends of the right and left beams crossed in the front and back of the torso. Imposed the straw should completely cover the end of the sleeves and rounded distributed on the trunk. All of the straw tie a pressure bandage at the waist of the doll. The ends of the straws smoothly cut at the level of the knees of the doll.
11. Weave flat twist of4 Solomin with two guide length 13-14 cm
12. Hem the ends of the shirt of the doll from the back side flat braids so that they formed a continuous cone.
13. 5-6 long weave braided "chain" of thin straws. From straw ribbon make 2 oval beads.
14. One braid chain belt tie the doll on the ends of the braids glue beads.
15. 2 braided chain stitch doll lapotochki and glue them to the feet.
16. Of the remaining braided chain stitch for the doll hat. The dried hair exactly trim on perimeter and around the face. Hat lightly grease the inner side with glue and put on the head.
17. A wound on the neck, close the straw with tape. Remove all protruding ends of the nettings, threads, Solomin.

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