Figure 546.

Material: 150 g blue 30 g of sulfur and traces of green and red wool. The spokes № 2,5. Sample knit on the loops 17, including 1 St on each side edge.
1st row: 3 facial, 1 purl, alternate until the end of the series.
2nd row-purl all loops;
3rd row- 1 front loop. Next, repeat to end of row: 1 purl, 3 facial. End 1 purl, 1 front;
4th row: purl all loops;
with a 5-row pattern repeat, starting with the 1st row.

The backrest (figure 547)

Gaining 70 loops of blue wool and knit elastic 1x1, 6 cm high. Knit to the armhole 15cm pattern, adding uniformly 5 times for 1 loop on each side. Fixed to the openings on each side consecutively for 3, 2 and 1 loop. The remaining 68 loops of knitting from the beginning of armhole 13 cm up to shoulder, then fastened on each shoulder by 24 stitches in 3 divided doses for 8 loops one after the other. The remaining 20 loops fasten at neck.

Figure 547.

Before (figure 548)

Gaining 70 loops in blue wool and knit elastic 1x1 height of 6 cm Then knit 4 rows according to the pattern given in the beginning of the description, and then pass to the execution of stripe pattern "train" on a gray background with red and green wool. Working with colored wool, you need to ensure that binding was loose, not tighten threads; otherwise, the pattern can be distorted. Finished the pattern, go again to the binding on the model with a height of 15 cm by adding 5 times 1 St on each side evenly. To fix openings successively to 3, 2 and 1 loop from each side and then knit from the beginning of armhole 13 cm without changes and then start doing the neck. To do this, divide the remaining after the openings 68 of the loops into 3 parts (for 24 stitches on the shoulder and 20 stitches for the neck), fixed immediately average 20 loops in a row, then knit to the shoulder 3 cm up. Finish shoulder, fixing on 8 loops in 3 divided doses; 2-shoulder knit as well.

Figure 548.

Figure 549. Ornament

Assembly tank tops

Pinhole of the finished part of the tank on the patterns wrong side up, smooth them with a hot iron through a wet cloth. Then sew the front with back and left shoulder are sewn just before the half; here sew buttons or a zipper. Score 80 loops of blue wool and knit elastic 1x1 3 cm and sheathe it inside the neck, there is turn work, and sutured. Then knit 2 stripe band 1x1 100 loops every 3 cm and in the same way sheathe their openings.

2. KIT

Figure 550.

All set items 28-30 size are made of 350g cotton yarn, connected to 2 strands. The spokes № 2,5. The density of knitted fabric - 25 loops 10 cm.

JACKET. All items start with gum 1x1. Then the back and sleeves are knit in the drawing (figures 551-553) and schema 1 (figure 554), shelves - scheme 2 (figure 555). The collar (figure 556) and the bar for the buttons to knit garter knitting. Embroider the traffic light (figure 557).

SOCKS. 44, dial loops and knit 2 cm elastic 1x1 (expanded canvas). Next, execute the figure 3 (figure 558).

A place for embroidery machines with a width of 15 cm height - 6 cm Knit hosiery knitting.

Provatas 18 cm from the gum, divide the loop in half. On the right half of the complete hosiery knitting the heel (see lesson "Knitting socks and knee socks on 2 needles").

SHORTS. Knit from the top down according to the drawing (figure 561) and schema 1 (figure 554). On the rear half do the lifting height of 3 cm.

Figure 551. Drawing back

Figure 552. A drawing of the front

Figure 553. Drawing sleeves

Figure 554. Scheme-knit back and sleeves

Figure 555. Scheme knit shelves

Figure 556. Half collar

Figure 557. Traffic light

Figure 558. Drawing of Golf

Figure 559. Scheme knit Golf

Figure 560. Drawing cars on the knee

Figure 561. Drawing shorts


Figure 562.

For the model 30-32 size required 200 g blue and 150 g of white yarn number 32/2 6 additions. Knitting needles No. 3.

For sample dial 24 loops (number of loops must be divisible by 6 plus 4 more, plus 2 edge).
1st row: blue thread - * 4 front, 2 loops take, promazyvaya (the thread behind the work) * etc. * and to *. Finish a number 4 front loops;
2nd row: blue thread - * 4 front, 2 shot loop provarite wrong * etc. from * to *. Finish a number 4 front loops;
3rd row: white thread - 1 front * 2 loops remove promazyvaya (the thread behind the work), 4 front loops * etc. from * to *. Finish the number 2 removed loops and 1 facial;
4th row: white thread - 1 front * 2 shot loop provarite purl, 4 facial * etc. from * to *. Finish row 2 purl loops and 1 facial;
5th row: repeat pattern from 1st row.

Figure 563. Drawing back

Figure 564. Drawing sleeves

Figure 565. Front shelf

Figure 566. The pattern for finishing the pockets

Back, shelves, sleeves knit from the bottom up, start with the blue thread elastic 1x1 height of 3 cm.

Next, go to the main pattern and knit items strictly according to pattern. The sleeves finish with a shoulder strap width of 4 cm and length 9 cm rubber 1x1, open loop transfer overhead on the secondary thread. Otladiv detail blouse, tie straps for buckles, typing on the edge of the shelves a new row of loops, straps knit 3 cm wide; on the left the strap in the process of knitting make 5 loops for clasps, which in one row, close the 2 loops in the next row, fill them. Sew the shirt along the side and shoulder seams, vsheyte of the sleeve, leaving the shoulder straps from the front. Dial around the neck of a new row of loops.

When vyvazhivanii 1st number bakey elastic 1x1 provarite open loop shoulder straps with loops bakey (2 loops together), bake knit tall 3 see Tie pockets elastic 1x1 size 7x9 cm, vsheyte in front loops with colored thread drawing machines according to the scheme. Athlete ready pockets and sew a hidden seam.


When the relief pattern, the product should be Ironing through two layers of gauze on the reverse side.

Vymazyvaja front of the shelves and the sleeves, don't forget to use the technique of knitting from two balls.

If the front and back are knitted the same way, you can also knit from two balls.
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