Hats & caps size: 56.
To connect spokes cap, You will need: 300 g of yarn "Magic-Super Excellence" (code 410) caramel color;knitting needles No. 2 and No. 3, 5.
Weave: 1x1 elastic band; rubber band with an offset (number of loops multiple of 4 + 3 p. for symmetry of the pattern):
1st row- edge, *2 front, 2 purl*, from * till * repeat to end of row, 1 front edge;
2nd row- edge, *2 front, 2 purl*, from * till * repeat to end of row, 1 front, edge. Repeat 1st and 2nd rows.
The spiral pattern:
1st row- edge, *1 purl, 6 face related to long loops (right needle enter the loop, and making 2 turns of the thread, proverite her face)* from * to repeat until end of row, 1 purl, edge;
2nd row- edge, obverse 1, *3 long petli to remove the auxiliary needle behind the work, the following 3 long loops purl, 3 loops with auxiliary needles purl*, from * till * repeat to end of row, edge;
3rd row- edge, *1 purl, 6 face* from * to * repeat to end of row, 1 purl, edge;
4th row- edge, *1 front, 6 purl, the associated long loops*, from * till * repeat to end of row, 1 front edge;
5th row- edge, *1 purl, 3 long loops to remove the auxiliary spoke before work, 3 next long loop knit, 3 p. with the auxiliary needles knit*, from * till * repeat to end of row, 1 purl, edge;
6th row- edge, *1 front, 6 inside-out* from * to * repeat to end of row, 1 front, edge. Repeat from 1st to 6th rows.
JOB DESCRIPTION. To flap on the spokes №3, 5 enter 31 p. and knit a strip with a spiral pattern with a length equal to the circumference of the head. Close all the loops. Of edge loops on the spokes №2 dial 83 p., tie 8 cm rubber 1x1. Then go to the spokes №3,5 and knit elastic band with an offset of 15 cm and Then in each of the front row promazyvaya all loops 2 p. together. The remaining 10-12 p. pull the working thread, it will follow the seam of a knitted hat.
JOB DESCRIPTION. On the spokes №3,5 dial 51 p. and knit elastic band with an offset. Linking 1.5 m, close all the loops. At the ends of the scarf do the fringe with a length of about 8 cm.