Pillow Levushka

Head Levushka link thread sandy color of the two halves and connect as the head of the kittens (see figure 80).
Mane follow brown thread. In each loop of last row head knit columns without nakida, but between 15-17 of the stitches. Linking one row in a circle, turn the pillow to the other side and just tie the second row, inserting the hook into the same loop. For more flamboyance can tie several more rows.

Ear. Tie a chain of 2 loops. In each loop of the chain, tie a column without nakida. Then knit according to the diagram (figure 84), subtracting one column at the end of each row. Linking 5 rows, cut the thread and tie the ear of another series of columns on three sides. Sew ears to the head in front of the mane. Distance between ears — 13 columns.

Pillow Levushka

Leg knit the same as the ears, only on a smaller number of loops, enter 10 loops. Sew the feet to the head for a mane on the drawing.

Tail. Thread sand-colored knit chain of air loops of a length of 16 cm (figure 83). Hinged link chain 4 rows of columns with nakida. The canvas fold in half and connect the first with the last row of columns without nakida.

Pillow Levushka

Tail tamp the filler, you can insert the wire to maintain the shape. At the end make a brush of brown thread. Sew tail to the back of the pillow.

Eyes. Tie two circles of columns without nakida: white diameter of 3.5 cm and is black with a diameter of 2.5 cm Sew them to the head seam "over the edge".

Nose. Black thread tie a chain of 4 loops lock into the ring. Knit next round:
1 row — 6 columns without nakida;
2 row 12 of columns without nakida;
3 row — 18 columns without nakida;
4 some — 18 columns without nakida without additions;
5 and 6, row — 2 column without nakida, column 1 miss — so the whole series.
Now stuff it with filling and pull the remaining loop. Turned out the bulb.
Panel face consists of two balls, tie them melange thread (connect one beige yarn with one brown).
Tie a chain of 4 loops, lock in the ring. Knit next round:
1 row of 8 columns without nakida;
2 line — 16 bars without nakida;
3 row — 24 columns without nakida;
4 row — 30 columns without nakida;
5 number — 30 columns without nakida without additions;
6 and 7, row 2 column without nakida, 1 miss, so the whole series.
Tamp pads filler and pull the remaining loop.
Three bead stitch between and sew to head.

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