Seam "Star"

This counting bead. They fill the individual items of embroidery. It is done with straight stitches. The whole "star" is 8 stitches. Each stitch starts at the center (Fig. 31).

Seams Asterisk, Vical, Cords, and Butterball

Figure 31. Seam "star"

Seam "Vicol"

It is often used in folk embroidery as a separate item. Often it is executed in the form of a square or circle. The seam, "you count" similar to the "star". This counting bead. Is it stitches bilateral surface or looped suture (Fig. 32A).

In the centre of the pattern make a hole with the awl. Pencil plan his part. Then start embroidering. Do stitches 1 thread of fabric. Working thread after each stitch over tighten. All stitches start from the center of the pattern (Fig. 32b).

Seams Asterisk, Vical, Cords, and Butterball

Figure 32 a, b. Seam "Vicol"

Seam "Shnurochek"

This is one of the joints white surface. It is a series of vertical stitches. It is used to design circuits. Planned simple pencil outline prometiste seam "forward needle". Panel its small vertical stitches, placing them very close to each other (Fig. 33).

Seams Asterisk, Vical, Cords, and Butterball

Figure 33. Seam "shnurochek"

Seam "Pyshechka"

This type of seam is one of the elements white surface. It runs in the form of a convex circle. Contour mug embroider, seam "forward needle". Lay the flooring within the planned contour. Flooring put plain stitches of a seam "forward a needle". Last embroider flooring double-sided satin stitch, filling the whole circle (Fig. 34).

Seams Asterisk, Vical, Cords, and Butterball

Figure 34. Seam "pyshechka"

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