You will need:
- cushion - canvas Aida № 14 peach colour size not less than 12 x 30 cm
- pink calico 30 x 28 cm
- Burgundy taffeta, 15 x 40 cm (two parts)
- braid red 0.5 m
- sewing thread matching fabric
- filler
- scissors
- the Hoop
- tapestry needle
- embroidery floss, cotton (see table)
- for keychain:
- canvas Aida № 14 peach-colored not less than 6 x 5 cm (two parts)
- floss light purple
- purple and pink colors (see table)
- filler
Embroider the picture according to the pattern, using embroidery floss in four additions. Amperite embroidery, on both sides sew with the cloth, then sew the edges of the taffeta. Stuff the pillow filler (holofayber, padding polyester), tie the ends of the braid. The keychain contains cushion is the same as a simple pincushion. On one part of the canvas embroider the picture according to the scheme thread in four additions, amperite. Sew the pieces of canvas, fill a holofayber. Don't forget to insert at the top seam edge of the braid. Finally cross-stitch pillows brought such a wonderful result. Colourful cushion-a cushion with keychain will make your interior a touch of Eastern serenity.