Embroider a cross
All of us from childhood familiar with traditional cross-stitch. Our grandmother and mother embroidered the beautiful paintings, pillows and napkins with the help of this traditionally women's handicraft, centuries. Unjustly forgotten, cross-stitch returns to us in triumph, conquering the hearts of millions of cute the fairer sex for its ease, accessibility and opportunity to create unique artistic masterpieces easy thread floss. Instruments and schemes for cross stitch And so that to master this art, do not need much things. First of all, your sincere desire to know all the details of the skill of the embroiderer. You will also need to outline, embroidery scheme, chosen according to the color palette thread floss, scissors, a needle for embroidery hoops and some free time. Tools, scheme, embroidery, thread work, as well as a canvas for embroidery can be purchased in the store for needlework. There you can buy ready-made kits for embroidery. They include a diagram, a colour illustration, chosen and designed by the artist color palette, as well as a detailed description and guidance for performing embroidery. Very often the developers offer special techniques or equipment embroidery, a bit different from the usual cross. However, this did not spoil the resulting finished cross stitch and does not diminish their artistic beauty. In the shop you can also choose a color scheme for embroidery. Such an acquisition is not always convenient, as you yourself will have to perform the role of the artist, and according to color to choose embroidery thread for your work. Another option of choosing a picture to work is to search for diagrams on the Internet. You print any story and get the canvas the right size and a set of threads to perform the work. Difficulties with the size of cells of the canvas can be resolved by contacting the sellers consultants, who will advise you the right size to complete the embroidery. Please note that the embroidery on the canvas with large cells, suitable for embroidery on pillows. It is not so difficult and with a small set of threads. A small box canvas and is ideal for large and complex works with a large number of worker threads. As a rule, such works made in the technique of polycrest, or seam "Petit-point". This achieves a smooth transition of color. The picture gets a unique artistic sound and appearance. How to embroider a cross Picking up all the essential for the future work, proceed with the embroidery. Carefully read the pattern. Best of all, if you try to embroider the pattern. The technique of sewing cross-stitch – simple. You only need a modicum of patience and attention. You can start trading from any corner of the cells, adhering to this direction in the course of the work. Let's say you started with the top right corner. Then your needle will go to the bottom left corner, and again leaves in the upper right shot. From the front you get a slanted dash, while from the inside video. Continue on until you finish the whole series, or color. Following next you come back, making a stitch from the top left corner to bottom right. On the front side you get a cross, but on the inside – all the same video dash. That's actually the whole technique by which experienced and skilled embroiderers for many years, creating artistic masterpieces and unique embroidered pattern. You can also try this. You certainly will succeed!