The most General rules, there are technical conditions for the execution of machinery works, as follows:
1. The number of threads, machine needles and the frequency of stitching when doing machine work should correspond to the thickness of the fabric and nature of the operations.
2. All internal lines perform a thread color fabric top.
3. In the manufacture of woolen and silk fabrics, all finishing lines, as well as loops and clips perform silk (finishing) thread. The color of thread for decorative stitches should match the color of the fabric top or be a different color, if so provided in the model.
4. The ends of the upper threads of the finishing lines of output on the wrong side, tie a knot and (or) fix three or four hand stitches. 5. The inner ends of all lines that run on sanding the car, fix the double reverse stitching (backstitching) length of 0.7-1 cm; on special machines - in length of 1,5-2 see
6. The width of the joints should match the seam.
7. When laying lines on a closed circuit line to the end of the stitches have to come to one another no less than 2-2,5 see 8. Flatlock details, nastraivanie stitches, laying and finishing lines are recommended to be performed using ruler guides and special pads.
9. Notched finishing lines are performing along the lines envisaged by the auxiliary patterns.
10. When connecting two parts, one with a straight cut and the other with an oblique, detail with a slanting cut must be put down (on the rail feed), and detail with a straight cut top. When joining two parts made of fabrics of different thickness, such as a top fabric and lining fabric down, you have to put the detail of thick fabric.
When connecting two parts with one of them landing the part you want to plant, you should put down on the rail of feed (except for setting the sleeves).