The organization of the workplace to perform manual work depends on how often you plan to perform such work, and how much space there is in the presence of masters. For lovers of craft and sewing space zoning and the location of instruments is limited only by the imagination. For professionals recommendations to the rationality and safety of the working places more stringent and compliance with them may lead to a significant increase productivity and improve the quality of treatment. Consider the workplace to perform manual operations in detail.
Manual work may be executed sitting or standing. Table for hand work shall have a smooth clean working surface and drawers for storing tools and thread. The design of the chair may be different, but it should provide the possibility of turns and elevation changes of the seat and the support for the back. It is advisable to use screw-down chairs.

The workplace should be equipped with a mobile rack for placing scissors, needles, bobbins, thimbles, a removable waste bin, industrial garbage, a footrest, sitting at work chair and a spiral. The word: in the home stands, and waste bins can be made from improvised material - plastic bottles, boxes from-under milk, etc. - is sufficient to exert a little energy;). In the workplace should only be necessary for detail work products and tools. Those, taking the right hand should be placed on the right side of the table, and those who take the left hand, respectively on the left side of the table.

A great influence on the health workers and the quality of execution of technological operations render the correct working position. To sit at the table at performance of works it is necessary exactly so that the hands rested on the table or armrests. Spine straight, the back rests on the back of a chair. Distance from the eyes to the product should be about 30 cm. working area must be sufficiently lit (!especially important when working with variegated or dark materials).

Feet should be kept on the stand or crossbeam.

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