In this article we will talk about how to knit beautiful lace dresses. You'll need: 600 grams of white yarn (forty percent yarn shall consist of polyester and polyacrylate, twenty percent - of wool), straight spokes №5 (length 40 cm) and No. 6.
Wrong expanse: knit facial loops purl rows and purl rows – facial hinge. Circular rows should be purl loops.
Openwork pattern: in the beginning the number of loops must be a multiple of eighteen plus one plus edge. Knitting follows the scheme, which shows one of the front rows, purl rows to knit all the loops in pattern - purl loops of nacida. So to repeat from the first row to the twenty eighth.
It is worth remembering that the number of stitches varies throughout the pattern. Quantitative values of loops in each row relate to the loops in the fourteenth or twenty-eighth rows of the pattern. You should also pay attention to the fact that by the addition of subtraction, you need to purl into the loops evenly with SC, but if this is not possible, then instead nakida you can purl into the front of the corresponding loop. In the case of polypotent pattern all promazyvaetsya as usual.
The density of knitting: knit openwork pattern need knitting needles No. 6 in the sequence of the loops fifteen, twenty-one series. And prepatency pattern is knitted with needles No. 5 in the sequence of sixteen loops, thirty-six rows (10x10 cm).
Knitting backrest: to dial a hundred loops, then knit into strips of one centimeter or three rows of purl stitch, beginning with the first purl row. Further, in the final purl row you need to subtract seven loops. To do this, you should tie two loops instead of the front, namely, ninety-three loops. After continue to knit openwork pattern spokes №6 thus: before rapport edge, then the loop, then four times repeat loop, loop after report, edge. After fifty-three centimeters, you need to start to add to the sleeves "a bat". For these purposes, both sides must be added one loop, then every sixth row three times in one loop, and one-fourth of three times in one loop. After that, you need to add or to gain twice on the two loops in every second row twice, three loops, four loops twice, once five loops and one times six loops, respectively, of the pattern.
The Assembly of the product is performed in the usual way.