Embroidery stitch — one of the most ancient forms of needlework. Surface embroidery is a straight or slanted stitches, completely filling the surface of the pattern. For a long time created a lot of different types of surface, and differing in technique and in appearance. Often surface needlewomen combine with other stitches: stalked, chain stitch, Rococo, using hemstitch, grids, etc.
Surface can be single color and multicolor. Of special note is the white surface. Depending on how the stitches are laid in a single color or a white surface, the work can "tune" a variety of shades. Stitches located under different slope, give black and white effect, thanks to which it seems that the embroidery is done in light and dark colours. Multicolor surface very reliably and accurately conveys all the shades of vegetation occurring in nature.
All kinds of surface can be divided into 2 large groups. This counting types and free. To the 1st group includes the counting and the sparse surface, the surface of the column. The second group more: it classifies virtually all types of surface.
The surface may be bilateral or unilateral depending on the technique.
Satin stitch should be very carefully, selecting the right color and thickness of thread and making stitches the right direction.
The partial surface is the easiest and simplest kind of surface. Master surface need. The illustration in this kind of needlework embroidered only partially, hence the name surface. Embroider both color and white or monochrome thread. Often partial surface use floral patterns: images of various plants and flowers.
This surface is used for the stitching of different things. Particularly impressive it looks in the light fabrics such as tulle, Batiste, fine knit. Embroidery is a light and translucent. So very often it is decorated with feminine blouses, dresses. If blouses and dresses are made of plain fabric, then embroider only the white silk threads. In other cases, use a variety of colors: red, pink, blue, yellow, green, etc.
The technique of this surface the following. First, the fabric transfer the pattern. Then embroider the upper part of the petal stitches from the loop to the middle. The center petal is empty. The second part of the petal stitch stalk stitch. If the petal to sew from the center to the contour, then the stitches should do different lengths. The remaining part of the figure stalked embroider seam.
In dense tissues to fill with the satin stitch can be any part of a pattern. On light transparent fabrics embroidery stitch can only be done from the contour towards the middle.
If in figure 1, the lobe lies above the other, it is necessary to embroider the extreme from the contour of the petals, the average surface do not fill. The leaves are partially embroidered satin stitch, and in the middle lay a stalk stitch in the form of veins. All the narrow lines performed by gladium seam.
Composition is a creative combination of several elements in 1 pattern. The very composition depends on the intent of the artist.