You'll need

Harsh canvas dimensions 155 X 155 cm, thread floss in 2 and 4 the addition of the white, carrot, lemon, light lemon, dark lemon, light green, light green, green, dark green, marsh, dark marsh, light brown, brown colors, a needle for embroidery, the scheme of the pattern in full size, tracing paper, carbon paper, pencil.


The pattern will be located in the center of the tablecloth and made shadow stitch, seam "forward needle" and "lace", with nodules.

Fold the edges of the harsh leaf 2 times on the wrong side prostrochite. At a distance of 30 cm from the edge of the set square and pull along each side with 1 thread of fabric. After 10 cm from it towards the centre target 1 square and pull 1 thread all along its sides.

The scheme of the pattern in full size transfer on tracing paper. On the scheduled strip put the carbon paper, the top cover with tracing paper pattern. A sharpened pencil, translate each line of the motif. Remove the tracing paper and carbon paper.

In the first panel the contours of the leaves and petals seam "forward needle". Then proceed with the embroidery. Start her with flowers. Petals complete the shadow surface. Embroider the tips of the petals white and svetlaniny thread in 4 additions. Place the stitches close to each other and of equal length. The following series of fill thread in 4 addition light lemon and lemon blossom. Complete petal dark lemon thread.

The middle complete with carrot-colored nodules in 3 addition. For that, fasten the thread on the wrong side, and print it on the front side, hold the needle parallel to the fabric. Around it 2 or 3 times, wrap the working thread from left to right. Holding the coils of yarn with the thumb of the left hand, slide the needle with the thread near the exit of the thread and gently pull it out on the wrong side. Nodules move as close as possible to the fabric and tighten them.

Sepals complete shadow stitch light brown and brown yarn. The base of the sepals brown embroider stitches, and the ends — light-brown thread in 4 additions.

The leaves also embroider the shadow surface. The edges of half of the leaves complete the light green threads in 3 addition, following a number of run green. Embroider the middle green and dark green threads. Stalked in the middle of the seam indicate a vein of dark green thread in 2 additions. The remaining leaves do the green, marsh and deep marsh thread in 3 additions. Veins highlight the dark green thread in 2 additions.

Buds embroider white thread double-sided surface. Sepals fill stitches with a thread of brown color 2 addition. The stalks make the stalk seam of brown thread in 3 additions.

Line podernuta thread fill stitch "lace". First make the lemon thread 2 adding the stitches with a seam "forward a needle". Then obviate every stitch of brown thread in 2 additions. The tablecloth can be embroidered napkin (Fig. 60).

The Cloth Jasmine

Figure 60. The Cloth "Jasmine"

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