Basic dress pattern you can draw basic patterns of jacket and coats at the same figure. The pattern will change; depending on shape of cut, the nature of the tissues, presence of lining, etc.
Consider two examples of converting a basis for the product adjacent silhouette and straight cut.
Jacket of adjoining silhouette. Put on a sheet of paper back and front of the base patterns of the dress (figure 265, dashed lines). The jacket, adjacent silhouette In parallel to these lines at a distance of 0.5 cm from them draw lines in the middle, the shoulder sections of the front and back and neck backless
Continue the upper dart and the shoulder dart of the back should be left unchanged. Draw a vertical line through the point the width of the neck. Extend the armhole 0.5 cm between nasecki A and b (figure 266). Along the lines of the side sections of the mold as well extend 0.5 cm
Line of the armhole of the jacket needs to be lowered
To do this, allocate the required amount of reduction (0.75 cm) on the new line side of the slice and set point C. Then put on the drawing the basic pattern, combining point with the end of the armhole of the dress and positioning the Breasts in parallel. Move the bottom part of the armhole from the line side of the slice to point D. Then finish the drawing as shown in figure 266.
Tuck, drawn on the basic pattern of the dress, remain unchanged for jacket and coat.
If a specific figure is required to enclose a small shoulder pad, the shoulder slope of the slice should not be changed. If, in accordance with the model required high shoulder pads, you should change the slope of the shoulder cut at the line of openings, i.e. to pick it up by 0.5 and 1 cm
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