Using curve direct capes, you can use this extension, build, folds, reliefs.
To get at the top of the cushion effect set-in sleeves, on the copy of drawing of front and back capes direct swipe from the level of shoulder width (notch 1 and 3) down lines, parallel lines, and the middle (figure 543). In this model, the top tuck can be converted to a tuck topography, as shown by the dashed arrow.
Put on a sheet of paper having next, both parts of the patterns capes, limited nasecki СХ1—2 and SCP — 4 (figure 544). The notch 1 and 3 connect the curve, the length of which is equal to the length of the relief nasecki between 1 and X, X and nasecki 3 plus allowance for landing, as in the sleeve (the seam allowance is 10% of the curve length).
Continue up the straight bar running from nasechek With, and at the intersection with the curve mark nadziejko x corresponding to the lowest point of the shoulder seam of the bodice.
The direction of the grain lines the entire outline in the middle part (not necessarily along the line extending from natsack).
Slits for hands is put in the line of relief (between nasecki 1 and 2).