Let us recall the picture from childhood: come from a hill, covered in snow, roll, tired, and in the hallway when the light detects that there is no bottom buttons. And not just no, but she's torn "meat". And it starts – mother's sighs, a grandmother's reproaches, and sometimes my dad's belt.

In fact, your guilt is tearing the buttons could not be. It was just sewn wrong - without podlugovi. The fact is that in the "heavy" products, for example, a winter coat, material stress at the point of sewing on buttons significant. This is especially true of the top two buttons, which "trying to get" wound under the coat on the neck scarf, and the bottom buttons, which "tries to break away" from the wide, sweeping steps. As a result of prolonged or sudden load is tensile or fracture of the material, moreover, in place of sewing on the buttons it is slightly damaged by punctures. Therefore, quality winter and autumn products to increase the area of action of the load, and, consequently, reduce the specific values for units of area use podlugovi. Popovici are plastic flat buttons simple shape with round or elongated holes, usually transparent. They are sewn in the same places as the buttons, the same stitches, but with the opposite side of the material, that is, from podborta.

General rules for sewing (for cases where the main buttons are flat with two holes): 1. The proposed location of the buttons; 2. Sew on buttons:

  • Start with the front side of the product by the puncture needle to the target point, leaving on the surface of the bundle, which will later be closed by a button. The needle on the other side put one, then another hole podlugovi.
  • Produced the second puncture needle from the back side on the front, receding 1-2 mm Podlugovi quite tightly attracted to the surface of the fabric.
  • Consistently put two holes on the needle button and produce a puncture in the first point. Exit the needle from the back side should be on the first hole of Popovici.

  • The button pulls to the surface is not tight, forming a rack. If you are not confident in your eye, between the button and fabric make a Ticker, or a match. Performed by the puncture needle of fabric into the second hole of podlugovi with the output hole buttons etc.
  • The thus generated 5-6 stitches. The last puncture from podlugovi bring the needle between the button and material, uniformly obviam rack 8-12 obivochnye stitches.
  • Twice, form a loop and hold it the needle to tighten the knot.
  • The last puncture performed under the counter and buttons, bring the needle between Popovica and the material and cut the thread.

For flat buttons with four holes , the process differs only in that the main buttons punctures are produced alternately in each pair of holes. When the spherical basic sewing button with Popovica not formed and not wrapped stand.
Of course, this method of sewing on buttons does not guarantee that it will not come off, n the strength of the connection will increase significantly.

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