AB - length curtains on the ledge

AE - height curtains ready made

AB - video part of the curtains

BWA is - conformable part of the curtains

BG - the beginning of the first drapery (obtained by measurement)

VD - the beginning of the second drape (obtained by measurement)

VG - the main slack first draping (obtained by measurement)

railway - the main slack of the second drape (obtained by measurement)

GZ - value side-cut the curtains (of a bell), it arbitrarily simulated


1) Calculated h curtains AE, with allowance for processing the top and bottom of the slice AE = h + 20 cm

2) Lay the value of AB (the straight portion of the curtain with to build = 2; 2,5)

3) Then lay the magnitude of BV and vzh - draped curtains part to build 2 (2,5)

4) From the points b, in and well spend the perpendiculars, on which lay the values of BG and VD - start of the first and second drapery, obtained by measurement, BG = VG1 and VD = ZHD1

5) the Point R = 1/2 size gg1

6) From point R, R = pr1 conduct arc. The value of sh - basic slack drape first obtained by the measurement is equal to VG2 in the drawing, VG = VG2

7) From points g and g2, R = HS1, conduct the arc. The intersection point of the TS.

8) From point C, R = HS1, draw the lower undercut of the first draping. The accuracy of the delay values of VG1, g2 and gg2 guarantees the correctness of education draping

9) For the construction of the second SAG find the point p1. p1 = 1/2 DD1

10) From point p1, R = DD1, conduct the arc. The value of the railway - the main slack second draping obtained by the measurement is equal to the rail2 in the drawing.


11) From points d and d2, R = p1d1, conduct the arc. The intersection point C1

12) From point CR 1 = DD1, draw the lower undercut of the second draping.

13) Lower undercuts of the first and second draped gg2 and DD2 pull together, handling the mounting band or two lines on the sewing machine.

14) Then the collected portion of the first lower podraza gg2 pritachivajut to the side cut of g3. And collected part of the second lower podraza draping DD2 pritachivajut to the core SAG first draping VG1g2

15) the line of the lower edge of the curtain g3 draw arbitrarily, depending on the model.

Imperial shade with two undercuts

Imperial shade with two undercuts

Imperial shade can be done with three decorative undercuts of the drapery.

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