1) From the edge of the fabric, the warp threads are 1/2-delayed values of the lower SAG Smad - ae1 (obtained by measurement) + 1/2 width, lower edge of the bell ee1; AE = 78 + 14 = 92 cm
2) From point e up to the bend pushes the value of the EU - the length of the bell, plus 1.5 cm for processing.
EU = 40 at + 1.5 = 41.5 cm
3) CB1 = 25 cm (the drape)
4) BB1 = 10 cm (solution tuck)
5) From the point in putting off the middle of the Smad - BW, plus 3 cm for processing
BV = 30 + 3 = 33 cm
6) Connecting points a and b received shoulder Smad with k (2.5) per drape.
7) mounting tapes primatives along the lines of the AB - BV - BC - C B2 - B2 - B1 - б1а1. The angles at the points b; b; B2; B1 smoothed for ease of installation primaqiune braid.
8) is Tightened the mounting tape on the lines AB - BC - CB2 - б1а1. Plots BV and are в2б2 means dual Smad with a bell, so they are handled mounting tape, but not tightened, to form a mechanical folds.
9) When participarii mounting tapes, the first line in the point with doing nadechka, and when attaching the second line to make a small box pleat.
10) use the Mounting tape of a width not exceeding 4 cm.

Double swag with bell - mechanical
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